Homeopathic Remedies for Appendicitis
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
Baptisia CM (One dose only): One dose given in the acute form of the disease may abort the need for surgery.
Belladonna 200 (One dose only): In the early stages of acute appendicitis when the patient tosses about restlessly, he has headache and fever without perspiration. It can be repeated frequently.
Bryonia alba 10M (One dose only): In acute appendicitis, when the pains are worse from movements and better by lying on the painful right side.
Dioscorea Q, 2 hourly: 15 drops in hot water fades the pains of appendicitis.
Echinacea 3x (One dose only), Pyrogenium 3x (One dose only): Any of these two remedies may be used in septic conditions of appendicitis.
Iris tenax 2x (One dose only): It is very near specific for appendicitis and can be used when no special indications for other remedies are present.
Lachesis (One dose only): Pain of appendicitis or any pain, which is aggravated from the lightest touch, even with a feather.
Lycopodium (One dose only): Can be given on the outset of the disease provided indications for its use are present.
Natrium sulph. (One dose only): Acute attack with acute pains in the caecal region. Jaundice usually accompanies. Inflammation and abscess of the appendix and fever. Cases where appendix was removed surgically but the pain and fever persisted.
Psorinum 200 (One dose only) For 3 days: Give it after the acute attack is over to prevent return of the disease.
Rhus tox. (One dose only): It is a homeopathic knife in case of appendicitis.
NOTE: Cases of appendicitis during pregnancy should be immediately referred to the hospital for surgery. Any waste of time can cause abortion or even death. Abdominal pain that has continued without intermission for several hours, especially if associated with vomiting and restlessness can be due to acute appendicitis.