Homeopathic Remedies for Blisters
Blister is a fluid filled, thin walled structure on the skin.
Allium cepa (One dose only): Blisters on feet or heels due to excessive walking or from pinching of shoes.
Anthracinum (One dose only): Black and blue blisters.
Apis mel. (One dose only): Blisters due to insect bites.
Baptisia (One dose only): Blisters in typhoid fever.
Cantharis (Four times a day): Blisters due to excessive walking or bums.
Graphites (One dose daily): Burning blisters.
Hypericum (One dose only): Blisters from scalding with hot water, etc.
Ignatia amara (One dose only): Blisters in intermittent fevers when Nat-m. fails.
Kalium mur. 200 (Twice a day): White blisters in the mouth.
Magnesium mur. (One dose only): Blisters on lips.
Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: Blisters on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks.
Natrium mur. (One dose only): Blisters on tongue. Blisters in the mouth or the comer of the mouth. Specially during fever and menses.
Natrium phos. (One dose only): Blisters on the tip of the tongue.
Nitricum acidum (One dose only): Blisters and ulcers in the mouth, tongue and genitals which bleed easily.
Ranunculus bulb. (One dose only): Blisters formed on the skin by a slight pressure. Rhus tox. (One dose only): Blisters in fevers with much itching around.
Thuja occ. (One dose only): Painful white blister in the mouth and on the tip of the tongue.