Homeopathic Remedies for Blood Pressure
Thousands of people die each year from the effects of hypertension. High blood pressure does not cause a feeling of uneasiness, dizziness or nervousness. As a result, people with high blood pressure live for several years without knowing it and it silently leads to heart attack, stroke or kidney failure and even death. In blood pressure cases, diet plays an important part. In high blood pressure, the patient should avoid the use of salt, alcohol, spices and fried foods. Non-vegetarian foods are not useful. Raw green vegetables or boiled vegetables are a good diet both in high blood pressure cases and low blood pressure cases. Patients should avoid argument and anger. He should be ad-
vised to take a lot of rest and milk containing not more than 2% fat. Using less salt and eating more fruits and vegetables prevent development of high blood pressure. Magnesium supplements have a small but significant effect on lowering blood pressure. Blood pressure consists of two readings: The pressure when the heart contracts and pumps blood through the arteries is known as systolic pressure, and the resistance that the walls of the arteries exerts between the beats of the heart is called diastolic. Blood pressure is measured and recorded in two numbers, as 128/82. The top reading is called ‘systolic’ and the bottom reading is called тАЬdiastolicтАЭ pressure. One’s blood pressure is unique to oneself only. Systolic is related to strokes, but heart disease is related both to systolic and diastolic.
There is no best blood pressure but the chart below shows ranges accepted by the medical experts
Normal | Border line | High | |
Systolic pressure over | 139 or less | 140 – 159 | 160 or more
Diastolic pressure | 89 or less | 90 – 104 | 105 or more |
Adrenalinum 2x (One dose only): It causes a very prompt fall in blood pressure and is used as a palliative. It should be used carefully and the blood pressure should be measured before its administration so that the blood pressure does not fall, all of a sudden.
Aurum iod. (One dose only): High blood pressure in persons suffering from progressive paralysis with mental deterioration.
Aurum met. (One dose only): High blood pressure with low pressure of pulse. The patient is disgusted with life but is afraid of death.
Baryta mur. 3x (One dose only): It is a good remedy for high blood pressure of the aged. There is increased tension of the pulse. Systolic is high in comparison to diastolic pressure which is low.
Cactus (One dose only): Hypertension with heart troubles, accompanied a feeling of constriction in the region of the heart and pain.
Calcarea carb. (One dose only): For fat, flabby and chilly patients. Sweat on head, palms and soles. Crave eggs.
Ceanothus Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: High blood pressure due to diseases and enlargement of spleen for which it is an excellent remedy.
Conium mac. 200 (One dose daily): Hypertension of bachelors and maids in old age.
Crataegus oxy. Q (Twice a day), Passiflora Q (Twice a day), Rauwolfia Q (Twice a day): During the intervening period when Lachesis is administered take five drops each of these three medicines in a little water thrice daily and on the next day take the following treatment. These two treatments are to be taken on alternate days.
Ferrum phos. 6x (One dose only), Kalium mur. 6x (One dose only), Calcarea phos. 6x (One dose only): Two grains of each are (total 6 grains) be taken thrice daily for a day and on the next day, the mixture described above should be taken. It should be repeated as stated above. This treatment will control and cure most of the recent cases. Even chronic cases are much benefited. It takes 15 days to 3 months for results. Blood pressure should be measured every week and it should not be allowed to fall much below the normal.
Ginseng Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Its use improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves memory and the immune system.
Glonoinum (One dose only): Throbbing of heart. Each beat is heard in the ears. High blood pressure during menopause or due to suppression of menses. Headache is always present.
Ignatia amara (One dose only): Development of temporary hypertension following emotional shock.
Lachesis 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a month: Start the treatment with this medicine and repeat it after a month if the case is not cleared. No other medicine should be taken on this day. In most of the cases, this medicine cures the case.
Lycopus (One dose only): Lowers the blood pressure of patients having heart disease.
Natrium mur. 200 (One dose daily): Due to shock or grief. Thyroid malfunction, diabetes, etc. Craves salt.
Physostigma (One dose only): Sensation as if a ‘cap is gripping the head’ has led to a marked relief in several cases of hypertension.
Pinus lamb. (Twice a day): Relieves the headache of patients suffering from high blood pressure, checks brain haemorrhage and dissolves blood clots.
Plumbum met. (One dose only): Hypertension may be due to gout or kidney troubles or from thickening of the arteries. Great paleness of the skin and red blood corpuscles are decreased.
Uranium nit. 3x (One dose only): High blood pressure during dropsy. Great emaciation is evident.
Valeriana (One dose only): Lowers the blood pressure of over-sensitive and hysterical persons.
Veratrum vir. (One dose only): Oppression, sighing, rapid respiration and gasping for breath are the guiding symptoms for the use of this remedy. It induces a fall in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Viscum alb. (One dose only): Systolic high and diastolic low. Lowers high blood pressure.
NOTE 1: Hypertension is a signal for cardio-vascular danger. It forces small blood vessels to burst. If it happens in the brain, it results in a stroke. Besides it, heart attack can also occur.
NOTE 2: Moderate exercise holds the blood pressure down. During exercising, heart pumps blood to the body more quickly causing the blood vessels to dilate or widen to accommodate the extra blood flow. The overall effect is to lower pressure throughout the cardio-vascular system.
NOTE 3: People with high blood pressure have to eliminate smoking and drinking alcohol. They also must control the food quantities and salt ingested.
NOTE 4: Heart patients with hypertension are benefited when vitamin C is taken in addition to the indicated remedies.
NOTE 5: Raw onions and garlic in diet help to keep the blood pressure down.
NOTE 6: A study in England, states that breast fed babies do not develop hyper tension in the later years of their life.
Low blood pressure can occur in shock and collapse, in haemorrhages, infections, fevers, cancer, anemia, neurasthenia, defective functioning of any organ and other wasting diseases and approaching death. So treatment should be according to the symptoms only. One should not be misled by the name low blood pressure. The following remedies will prove useful:
Adrenalinum 2x (One dose only): It causes a very prompt rise in blood pressure.
Cactus 200 (Twice a day): Low blood pressure due to heart disease. Characteristic constrictions as if an iron band around the heart is the guiding symptom for the use of this remedy. Temperature is usually sub-normal.
Caffeinum 3x (One dose only): It is used when there is general muscular weakness.
Calcarea phos. 200 (One dose daily): In persons growing too fast.
Camphora lx (One dose only): Low blood pressure with sub-normal temperature. 3 doses at 15 minutesтАЩ interval. It should be given either in pills or on a lump of sugar, but not in water.
Carbo veg. (One dose only): Low blood pressure due to low vitality.
China off. (One dose only): Hypotension due to loss of vital fluids like blood or semen and due to dehydration on account of vomiting and diarrhoea.
Crataegus oxy. Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: It is a great heart tonic and arrests further fall in blood pressure.
Gelsemium (One dose only): With irregular heartbeats and palpitations. Feels as if the heart would stop beating if he does not move about.
Kalium phos. 200 (One dose daily): Low blood pressure due to nervousness.
Lycopodium 200 (One dose daily): It is indicated in irritable persons with urinary or digestive or wind troubles.
Natrium mur. 200 (One dose daily): When this remedy is indicated, there will be a craving for salt. For such patients the heat of the sun is unbearable.
Radium brom. (One dose only): Low blood pressure due to severe pains in different parts of the body, on skin affections particularly when there is conspicuous increase in white blood cells having more than one nucleus.
Spartum scoparium lx (One dose only): Produces comfort in cases of hypotension and increases the strength of the heart.
Viscum alb. 200 (Twice a day): Low blood pressure due to neuralgia and rheumatism. Weight and oppression of heart, as if being squeezed.