Homeopathic Remedies for Brain Inflammation – Encephalitis
Aconitum nap. (One dose only): If the inflammation of the brain is accompanied by fever, restlessness, anxiety and thirst, use this remedy.
Apis mel. (One dose only): Edema of the face. Patient cries in sleep or during unconsciousness.
Baptisia (One dose only): Brain inflammation causes delirium of a low type and the patient is sleepy.
Belladonna (Four times a day): When the eyes and face are red. High fever with delirium. Congestion of the brain.
Bryonia alba (One dose only): Little delirium but much pain. The patient looks stupid. Nausea may be present, the patient lies quietly and does not want to be disturbed.
Bufo rana (One dose only): Numbness of the brain is cured by this remedy.
Gelsemium (One dose only): Cerebral inflammation is indicated by headache, vertigo and pain in the neck and shoulders. Brain congestion may be with or without fever.
Ruta (One dose only): Inflammation of the brain due to injuries.
Staphysagria (One dose only): Brain appears squeezed.