Homeopathic Remedies for Deafness
Acidum salicylic. 3x (Thrice a day): Simple deafness with tinnitus and noises in the ears.
Arnica mont. (Thrice a day): Partial or complete deafness resulting from a blow on the ear or a fall. Noises in the ears due to rush of blood to the head.
Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): If the deafness is due to inflammation of the parotid gland and there is a crackling sound in the ears.
Calcarea fluor. (Thrice a day): Hardness of hearing from calcareous deposits on the tympani.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Deafness as a result of measles.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Deafness due to paralysis of the auditory nerve.
Chenopodium (Thrice a day): Deafness to the sound of voice only.
Coca (Thrice a day): Chronic deafness with noises in the brain.
Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Hearing impaired due to wax in the ear. Useful for deafness of seniles.
Cicuta vir. 200 (One dose daily): Deafness due to diseases of the brain.
Ferrum pic. 1x (Thrice a day): Chronic deafness and tinnitus due to gout. Ear is dry and the blood circulation to the ear is defective. Vascular deafness.
Graphites (One dose daily): Deafness in noisy places. Can hear better while riding a car or a bus.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day): Deafness due to perforation of the ear drum or an abscess in the ear.
Kalium mur. 6x (Four times a day): It is a general remedy for deafness when the cause is not known. It is especially indicated when there is a greyish discharge from the ear.
Ledum pal. (Thrice a day): Deafness due to suppression of coryza or from otorrhea.
Lobelia inflata (Thrice a day): Deafness due to suppression of a discharge or eczema of the ear.
Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Total and chronic deafness. Burning and itching of the ears.
Mephitis (Thrice a day): Deafness from birth.
Mercurius dulc. 6x (Thrice a day): Deafness due to retraction of tampanic membrane which becomes thick and stops its vibrations.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Deafness as a result of tonsillitis. The patient feels that the eustachian tube is closed. It is also useful in deafness of advancing years.
Mezereum (Thrice a day): Deafness as a result of thickness of the membrane, tympani. It also cures deafness due to eczema of the ears.
Natrium sal. (Thrice a day): Progressive deafness on account of loss of bone conduction.
Phosphorus (One dose daily): Deafness to the sound of human voice.
Pilocarpus (Twice a day), Graphites (One dose daily): Deafness better in noises and in running trains or flying aeroplanes, and if it is due to a defect in the internal cavity of the ears.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day), Iodium (Thrice a day): Deafness due to obstruction in the eustachian tube and also after measles or scarlet fever.
Silicea 3x (Four times a day): Deafness due to perforation of tympanic membrane or ear drum.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Deafness as a result of smallpox.
Thiosinaminum (Thrice a day): Deafness due to the thickness of the drum and fibrous changes in the nerve.
Verbascum (Thrice a day): For deafness, if the patient complains that something is covering the ear drum. Use orally in 30 potency and instill 2-3 drops of its oil in the ears.
NOTE: Outer air cells of the ear gather the sound and send it to the inner cells (which are about 15000) and snail-like, cone shaped tube forming a portion of the inner ear called “cochlea”. Cochlea is the receptor for hearing and it passes the signals to the brain producing hearing. The hearing loss is mostly “sensory neural” and is caused by aging, loud noises, injuries or blows to the ear.