Homeopathic Medicine for Gums Diseases
Ammonium carb. (Thrice a day): Gums recede from the teeth and the teeth become loose.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Tenderness and bleeding from the gums. Inflammation of the gums.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Teeth separate from gums. Pain from hot or cold drinks and their application.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Gums bleed easily.
Hypericum 3x (Thrice a day): Gum pains from extraction of teeth. Soothes gum pain.
Kreosotum (Thrice a day): Spongy and bleeding gums.
Magnesium carb. (Thrice a day): Bloody saliva with swelling of gums but teeth are intact.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Sensitive to hot or cold. Gums swollen. Offensive breath and excessive saliva in the mouth. Fresh air and fasting relieves. Bleeding.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Gums bleed with a taste of pus in the mouth and are sensitive to both hot and cold. There may be ulcers on the gums and in the mouth.
Podophyllum (Thrice a day): Pressing of the gums together in children, with diarrhea.
Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Early stage of gum boil with throbbing pain.
Belladonna (Four times a day): If three hourlies four doses of Aconitum do not relieve the pain, give this remedy. Inflammatory redness and swelling of the gums. It will often arrest an incipient gum boil.
Borax 3x (Thrice a day): Painful gum boils.
Calcarea fluor. 6x (Thrice a day): Its use cures the gum boils when there is a hard swelling on the jaw.
Carbo animalis (Thrice a day): Bleeding; painful and burning gum boils.
Hekla lava 3x (Thrice a day): For painful gum boils and abscess of gums.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Bright redness of the gum boil. Excessive fetid saliva. Inflammation of the gums.
Rhus g. Q Locally: It can be applied locally to soft, spongy gums to give relief.
Silicea (Thrice a day): Gum boils with pus.