Homeopathic Medicine For Skin Abscess and Boils
Acidum fluor 30 (Thrice a day) : To form healthy granulation after the use of Silicea.
Anthracinum 1M (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week : Carbuncles and boils with intense burning and high fever.
Apis mel 30 (Thrice a day) : When there is swelling and pain is stinging and burning like the one produced by the sting of a honey bee, but there is no pus.
Arsenicum alb 30 (Twice a day) : Unhealthy abscesses which discharge offensive pus with burning. Restlessness, and fever may be present.
Belladonna 30c (Thrice a day) : Use it in the early stages when there is not much of swelling but there is redness and throbbing pain. Abscess and inflammation of the breast. The use of Belladonna will cure it. If not cured, use Hepar after it.
Calcarea carb 200 (One dose daily) : Abscess in patients of tubercular diathesis.
Calcarea sulph 6x (Thrice a day) : Specific for an abscess on the tonsils. It may be tried in other cases when Silicea fails.
Calendula off 30 (Thrice a day) : If the abscess is septic with yellow thick pus, use Calendula 30 internally and Calendula Q mixed with warm water for washing.
Gunpowder 3x (Thrice a day) : Boils, herpes and blood poisoning.
Hepar sulphuris 3x (Twice a day) 200 (One dose daily), 1M, 10M (One dose only) : Abscess with thick pus and great throbbing pain. When given high (200) will abort the pus and if given low (3x) will often open up the abscess. lt is useful in the abscess near the ear. lt is also useful in case of abscess in lungs. In 2x or 3x potency, it hastens suppuration and 1M or 10M potency checks suppuration.
Mercurius sol 30 (Thrice a day) : If the pus has formed and the abscess is taking a septic form. The skin becomes bluish.
Myristica sebifera 30 (Thrice a day) : It often acts better and powerfully in the opening of an abscess. It is known as a homeopathic knife. Very effective for abscess at the end of fingers and phalanges.
Pyrogenium 1M (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week : Recurring abscess, fever and septic conditions are cured by the use of this remedy.
Rhus tox 30 (Thrice a day) : Abscess near the arm pit or the parotid gland. Pus is mixed with blood. It is useful for suppurating glands. Pus is thin, copious and corroding.
Silicea 30 (Thrice a day) : Ripens abscess and promotes its suppuration. It helps to heal a boil which is of an obstinate nature.
Staphysagria 200 (One dose daily) : Use it in the case of an abscess in the lumbar region.
Symphytum off. 1M (One dose only) Repeat every 3rd day : After amputation of any part of the body or a limb, if an abscess is formed on the remaining part.
Tarentula cubensis 200 (One dose daily) : It is almost specific for an abscess in the armpit. One dose reduces the pain and either opens up the abscess when it is very ripe or aborts it. Hepar also acts likewise in such cases.