Ammonium Benzoicum is effective in accumulation of blood in joints when there is a lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation. It is also used to cure Albuminuria (the presence of albumin in the urine, symptom of kidney disease) like diseases.
It is useful for Arthritis, Rheumatism, Protuberance, Abdomen disease, Jaundice and Urine. It is also very effective for problems when your joints swells up and becomes red in colour, you have severe pain, other than this Rheumatism in the thumb finger and gout in the other fingers.
Protuberance or Abdomen (Dropsy): This medicine is useful for people who have Albumen present in their urine, the amount of urine which comes out is less, a smoke kind of turbideness is seen if urine is left for more time, the urine smells nasty, the urine becomes red and a red layer forms in the bottom. It also helps the patients suffering from Protuberance.
Jaundice: This medicine works when the function of Gall Bladder stops due to which Jaundice is formed, the body swells up and the urine smell is nasty. In the last stage of liver disorder when the liver shrinks and you start suffering from protuberance then the problem increases. At this point of time you need to take this medicine with much patience so that you have a chance of getting cured.
Relations: Ammonium Benzoicum is compared to various other medicines like: Terebinthina, Benzo-Ars, Ammonium Salts, Causticum, etc. When Albuminuria is concerned then this medicine can be compared to Kalmia, Helonias, Berbe-Canth, Mercurius-Corrosivus etc.
Dosage: It needs to be taken in 2nd potency.