Balsamum peruvianum controls secretion from the patient’s body. It’s mainly effective when the patient has fever and the secretion bears a foul smell. You can use this medicine by applying, intaking and steaming via atomizer machine.
Symptoms Balsamum peruvianum cures:
Symptoms of the nose – The medicine treats itching of nose, nose stroke, secretion from the nose, accumulation of pus (smelly) in nose and pimples inside and on the nose.
Breathing discomforts – Balsamum peruvianum brings relief in pneumonia, bronchitis and thesis. Doses are given when the patient discomfort in the lungs and secretes smelly, white buttery pus from the lungs. The medicine also cures excessive night sweating, delirium and fever. The medicine also cures problems related to cough.
Cures urinary diseases – Balsamum peruvianum is very effective in treating retention of urine and albuminuria.
Skin diseases – The medicine cures symptoms like leprosy, wounds in the skin that discharge pus, eczema, wet and dry itching etc.
Symptoms of the stomach – Balsamum peruvianum brings relief in blood dysentery, amoebic dysentery and discharge of stool containing pus. It also cures simple stomach upset and other issues.
Breast diseases – It cures wounds in the nipples, thus a female can take 15 drops of Balsamum peruvianum and experience relief.
You can compare balsamum peruvianum drug to oleum caryophylli and Balsamum tolutanum.
Usefulness in other diseases
Balsamum peruvianum cures wounds, cracked nipples, rough skin and severe itching.
Generally 2x or 3x potency of Balsamum peruvianum is used but incase of high and critical fever 6x must be used. Take the medicine only after you consult a doctor.