Baryta Iodata is mainly used for treating diseases of the throat as this medicine acts very well on the lymphatic system helping to increase the white blood cells.
This medicine is also very effective in treating swollen tonsils, stiffness of glands (mainly throat) and breasts. If any patient shows lack of mental and physical growth and swollen neck glands, Baryta Iodata is the best as it checks the deficiency of iodine in the body. This drug also gives relief from eye pain and this medicine is also effective in hardness of testicles. This drug is known for increasing mental and physical strength, also curing throat diseases.
You can compare Baryta Iodata to Aconite, Lepis, lycoctonum, Conium, carbo animalis and Mercurius lod.
2 and 3 potency of Baryta Iodata can cure the above mentioned symptoms.