- Dread of downward motion
- Extremely sensitive to slightest noise, easily startled
- Babies cry, scream, before nursing or before passing stool or urine
- Plica plonica
- Sensation of a cobweb or as if white of an egg had dried on the face and hands
- Red nose in young women (Nat-c)
- Eructations when painful parts are pressed
Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Borax, Biborate of soda, Borate of sodium
Duration of Action: Upto 30 days
Miasmatic Background: Psora
Temperament: Nervous
Thermal Relationship: Very hot patient
Introduction and History: In olden days, Borax was used with bland vehicles for treatment of sore nipples and children’s sore mouth. Borax was one of the main constituents among the domestic remedies used for all sorts of local conditions requiring a soothing substance and for healing purposes.
It is a remedy of medium duration of action. It is a chemical compound and belongs to the mineral kingdom. Borax is a white powder available in the form of colourless, transparent prisms. It is available in the market at any chemist’s shop.
Preparation: The salt is triturated with sugar of milk and then higher potencies are prepared.
Constitution and Physiognomy: It is best for teething children, nursing infants, women with a pale earthy face and red nose; flesh grows soft and flabby with a wrinkled skin and lax muscles.
Ailments From: Eating salty or sour things.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Mind, nerves, mouth, skin, kidneys, bladder, stomach, rectum, female genital organs, blood, mucous membranes, etc.
Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
- It acts on the female genital organs, especially vagina and vulva producing hot, acrid and albuminous leucorrhoea.
- It acts on the mucous membrane of the mouth producing a state of inflammation and ulceration with too much heat and secretion. It also produces aphthous patches in the mouth.
- It also acts on the mucous membrane of the intestines, uterus and vagina.
- It acts on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract producing cough and expectoration.
- It acts on the mucous membrane of the tongue producing cracks and dryness that prevent eating.
- It acts on the skin and causes unhealthiness, itching and suppuration.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints.
- Tendency to be frightened and startled.
- Great anxiety about trifles.
- Sensitive to sudden noises even at a distance.
- Patient is afraid of going down stairs, can’t swing and can’t ride down hill.
- Children awake suddenly screaming and grasping sides of the cradle, without any cause.
- Anxiety, sleepiness and nervousness worse by downward motion or walking downstairs. Anxiety increases up to 11 pm.
- Restlessness with hysterical manifestation, changes from one work to another.
- Uneasiness in the whole body expressive of excessive nervousness.
- Patient is fretful, ill-humoured, indolent and discontented.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Soreness: Aphthae, soreness in the mouth, on the tongue, inside the cheek, easily bleeding, prevents child from nursing, hot mouth, dryness and thirst.
Bleeding: Cracked and bleeding tongue with salivation especially during dentition; white fungus-like growth in the mouth, bitter taste.
Oversensitiveness: Patient is very oversensitive to noise, light and touch.
Skin: Skin is unhealthy looking, ulcerated, difficult to heal.
Heat: Heat in single parts – mouth, head, palms, thighs, vagina, etc.
Greenish discharge: Accumulation of thick greenish mucous in the nose.
Screaming: Child screams before urination.
Wrinkling: Wrinkled skin, palate of infants looks wrinkled, screaming when nursing.
Undisciplined hair: Hair and eyelashes become entangled, rough, spilt, stick together at the tips.
Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea is profuse, albuminous like starch with a sensation as if warm water was flowing down the legs; acrid, corrosive, worse between periods.
Painfulness: Nursing is painful, pain after nursing, breast aches from being empty.
Nervousness: Excessive nervousness, easily frightened by the slightest┬аnoise, sharp sound, cough, sneeze, cry, lighting a match, etc.
Redness: Red shining tip of nose; red nose of young women.
Stoppage of nose: There is stoppage of nose; first right then left with constant blowing of nose.
Suppuration: Even the slightest injury suppurates.
Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea from downward motion.
Important Characteristic Features
Leucorrhoea: White as starch, perfectly bland without pain. Copious and albuminous leucorrhoea having an unnatural heat to it. Leucorrhoea midway between menses with great nervousness. Leucorrhoea is very hot, as if warm water were flowing: very acrid, corrosive and offensive, preventing pregnancy, lasting two weeks. Leucorrhoea white as mucous or like the white of an egg.
Stomatitis: This is a great remedy for oral affections. It has aphthous inflammation of the mouth. The mouth is very hot and dry; Many times ulcers in the mouth suppurate. Mucous membrane bleeds easily; thrush is more often located on the inner surface of the cheeks, also on tongue and fauces. Child starts in a fright, throws his arms about. The child is pale, livid and looks shrivelled up. It has offensive breath and a puffy, indented tongue. The mother will notice the hot mouth of the child when nursing.
General Modalities
Aggravation: From sudden slight noise, by downward motion, smoking, before urination, damp cold weather.
Amelioration: 11 pm, holding painful side with hands, by pressure.
Remedy Relationships
Follows well: Phos, Bry, Ars, Lyc, Nux-v, Sil, Calc, etc.
Inimical to: Acet-ac, wine.
Antidotes: Coff, Cham.
Occasional flow of menses every few days between periods: Borx, Bov.
Diarrhoea from downward motion: Borx, Cham, Sanic.
Vertigo on descending: Borx, Ferr, Sanic.
Children, fear of falling, grab the crib or seize the nurse: Borx, Gels, Sanic.
Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, affensive, worse between periods: Borx, Bov, Kreos.
Fear of falling downstairs: Borx, Lac-c.
Child cries before urination: Borx, Lyc, Sars.
Children awakens suddenly, screaming: Borx, Apis, Cina.
Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
- 3x to 200.
- Locally useful as an application in pruritus in the from of Borax lotion.
- Restores voice in sudden hoarseness if taken by mouth, 5 grains in crude form makes the voice clear and silvary.
Repetition: Bears repetition well in skin affections.
Therapeutic Value: Aphthae, Blepharitis, Diarrhoea, Eye affections, Headache, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual disorders, Otitis media, Otorrhoea, Stomatitis, etc.