- Asthma of sea faring men when they come to land, better AT SEA
- Membrane formation occurs in the larynx, then runs upwards to the fauces
- Cold sensation in larynx when inspiring, better after shaving
Source: An element
Synonyms: Bromine
Group: Halogen group
Prover: Dr Hering
Duration of Action: 20-30 days
Miasmatic Background: It covers all the three miasms
Diathesis: Scrofulous
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient
Introduction and History: Bromium is a deep acting polychrest medicine. Its chief action is on the respiratory organs, especially larynx and trachea.
Habit and Habitat: Bromine is found in sea water as well as in springs. It is found together with iodine in ash of seaweed and sponges.
Preparation: It is prepared with distilled water till the second potency. Higher potencies are prepared with alcohol.
Constitution and Physiognomy: It is suited to people with light blue eyes, flaxen hair, light eyebrows, fair, delicate skin, blonde, red cheeked, scrofulous girls.
Ailments From: Complaints from becoming overheated, chilled when hot, too much clothing, damp warm weather (of spring, summer, autumn), effects of sea side.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Bromium has a tendency to cause indurations and enlargement of glands. Also acts on the respiratory system, heart, male and female genitals.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- Anxious apprehensiveness, with great depression of spirits.
- Expects to see things jump around the floor as if someone were behind him.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
- Sensation as if a cobweb was on the face.
- Glandular swellings, stony hardness, of scrofulous or tuberculous type.
General Modalities
Aggravation: Dust, warmth, over heating, on the shore, wrapped up, chilled when hot, lying on the left side, by sea bathing, when at rest, in a warm room, from evening until midnight.
Amelioration: At sea, shaving, from any motion, exercise, riding on horse back, nose bleed (vertigo, head, chest).
Remedy Relationships
Follows well: Arg-n, Kali-c.
Antidotes: Camph, Op, Mag-c, Am-c.
Glandular indurations: Bar-m, Bell, Calc, Calc-f, Con, lod, Phyt, Sulph.
Sensation of a cobweb on the face: Bar-c, Borx, Graph.
Potency: 6, 30, 200.
Repetition: Maybe repeated infrequently.
Therapeutic Value: Asthma, Cough, Diphtheria, Glandular affections, Heart troubles, Hypertrophy of mumps, Physometra, Respiratory affections.