Caries Homeopathic Treatment
Acidum fluor. (Thrice a day): Caries of long bones and their surrounding tissues and skull.
Asafoetida 3x (Thrice a day): Ulceration and caries of the bones of the nose, especially in Syphilitic patients.
Aurum mur. (Thrice a day): Caries of the bones of the nose, skull, palate and cervical bones, especially in Syphilitics.
Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): Caries of the long bones. Tearing, tension and boring in the bones.
Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Caries of vertebrae with curvature of spine.
Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day), Silicea (Thrice a day): Caries of vertebrae bones.
Calcarea fluor. (Thrice a day): A general remedy for caries of bones when there are no special indications for the use of other remedies.
Calcarea phos. (Four times a day): Caries of soft bones.
Coca 3x (Thrice a day), Theridion (Twice a day): Caries of teeth.
Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Caries of bones of sternum.
Hekla lava 3x (Thrice a day): A general but a useful remedy for caries of any bone and its surrounding tissues.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day), Silicea 12x (Thrice a day): Caries of facial bones.
Kreosotum (Thrice a day): Caries of the teeth. Very rapid decay of teeth with spongy, bleeding gums. Teeth dark and crumbly.
Phosphorus (Thrice a day): Caries of lower jaw bones, bones of vertebrae and tibia.
Silicea 12x (Thrice a day): Caries of the bones of the upper right jaw.
Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Syphilitic caries with painful ulcers.
Strontium nit. (Thrice a day): Caries of femur bone.