- Weariness, weakness, prostration and disinclination for mental work
- Periodicity marked
- Eggs or fish produce painless diarrhoea at once
- ill-effects of tobacco
Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Arsenite of quinine
Introduction and History: This salt combines the physical symptoms of China and the mental symptoms of Arsenicum.
Preparation: It is prepared either from the trituration or solution.
Ailments From:┬аill-effects of tobacco, complaints in windy stormy weather, sexual excesses, loss of vital fluids, unripe fruits, coarse food or ill-baked breads.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- Ailments from excessive joy, sexual excesses.
- Anxiety about health with palpitation, in tuberculosis and in diphtheria.
- Fear driving from place to place, in dyspnoea, in tuberculosis.
- Restlessness, nervous especially after midnight.
- Sensitive, oversensitive to touch, to pain, to noise.
- Delusions, that she cannot endure prostration.
- Frightful, sees images, phantoms.
- Fear at night, of evil, of ghosts.
- Irritable mood precedes headache better mental and physical exercise. General weariness and prostration. Weakness; disinclination for mental work – these are marked features of this remedy.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
- In diphtheria, with great prostration. In cases that are prolonged, especially malarial affections, neuralgias, etc., it is found to be curative.
- Periodicity is most marked.
- Night sweats; profuse and exhaustive.
- Oscillatory temperature.
- Fever – general chill and cold.
- Flying heat with nausea.
- Cold clammy Sweat.
- After the cough in the chill, no reaction of warmth.
- Sudden attacks of vertigo, worse looking up, better motion.
Important Characteristic Features
Generalities: The symptoms of general WEARINESS AND PROSTRATION produced by the drug have been utilized in prescribing it homeopathically as a general tonic, often with very marked beneficial and prompt effects. In diphtheria with great prostration, cases that are prolonged, especially, and in malarial affections, neuralgias, etc., it has been found curative. Asthmatic attacks which recur periodically with great prostration. Icy skin. Pressure in the solar plexus, with a tender spine.
Head: Tired feeling. Head feels too full. Throbbing. Great anxiety. Great irritability. Vertigo; worse looking up. Dull, heavy headache – frontal and occipital. Darting pains running up into the head.
Eyes: Intense photophobia and orbicular spasm; gushing hot tears. Flickering with pain and lachrymation.
Mouth: Tongue thickly furred; yellow, slimy coating. Bitter taste. No appetite.
Stomach: Alternation of hyperacidity and decrease of acid. Hyperchlorhydria (Rob, Arg-n, Orex-tann). Thirst for water, yet it disturbs. ANOREXIA. EGGS PRODUCE DIARRHOEA.
Heart: Palpitation. Sensation as if heart stopped. Suffocative attacks, occurring in periodical paroxysms. Must have open air. Short of breath on ascending; cardiac dyspnoea; circulatory weakness after acute infections; early myocardial degeneration.
Sleep: Sleeplessness due to nervous causes (single dose in fifth or sixth potency).
Extremities: Weak limbs. COLDNESS OF HANDS AND FEET, KNEES AND LIMBS. Tearing pains.
Fever: Continuous, with weakness. System depleted.
General Modalities
Aggravation: Rest in, looking up, empty stomach, forenoon, night, open air, cold┬аand becoming cold.
Amelioration: Motion, warm room, yawning, pressure, open air, bending forwards, sitting up.
Remedy Relationships
Complementary: Carb-v, Ferr, Kali-c.
Chininum and Ferrum citricum: In nephritis with great anaemia.
Chininum muriaticum: In severe neuralgic pains around the eyes, with chills; exaggerated sensitiveness to alcohol and tobacco; prostration and restlessness.
Oenothera biennis: Effortless diarrhoea with nervous exhaustion; incipient hydrocephalus.
Macrotinum: Extreme debility after illness; collapse.
Potency: 3x, 6x.
Dosage: Second and third trituration.
Therapeutic Value: Post-influenzal asthenia.