Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): Spasm of the esophagus as soon as food enters it, causing gagging and choking.
Cactus 3x (Thrice a day): Strenuous respiration and subsequent choking due to a heart trouble.
Lachesis (Thrice a day): Choking on account of a sensation of a plug in the throat on swallowing warm things.
Mephitis (Thrice a day): Choking from drinking and eating as the drink or the food goes down the wrong way to the wind pipe or choking from one’s own vomit.
Spigelia (Thrice a day): Choking from copious mucus falling from the posterior nares blocking the wind pipe or from continuous cough and asthma.
NOTE: In all cases of choking, the patient should hold his neck with hands to indicate choking and the person nearby must give a few hard strokes on the back of the patient to restore respiration. If a person remains choked for a few minutes, he can die. Choking does great harm to the brain when oxygen supply is obstructed. Memory is weakened by choking.