Emotional Healing with Homeopathy
Coffea cruda (Thrice a day): Mocks at consolation. Does not want consolation.
Ignatia amara (Thrice a day): Symptoms are aggravated by consolation in hysterical patients.
Lilium tig. (Thrice a day): Consolation aggravates uterine troubles and insanity.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Patient is more irritated and disturbed by consolation. Weeping alternates with laughing.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Nothing pleases a Pulsatilla patient more than consolation. She has a weeping tendency.
Sabal ser. (Thrice a day): Consolation makes him angry.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Does not want to be consoled. Consolation aggravates.