Due to increasing pollution and people consuming more alcohol along with smoking has led to an increased problem of fatty Liver especially in youths. It is very important for us to know about the reason, symptoms and the remedy for its cure. You will learn about the homeopathic medicines in this post which will help in curing the problem of fatty liver.
We all are aware that Liver is an important part of our body and the largest gland. Liver helps in the functioning of gall Bladder and breaking the fat of the gall Bladder. We call the term ‘Fatty Liver’ when the liver cells increases unnecessarily at times and this is a very serious issue which needs to be treated as early as possible. People who usually consumes more alcohol, oil and carnivorous food suffers from the problem of fatty liver.
Symptoms of Fatty Liver
The symptoms cannot be recognized at the start but slowly you will find some of the major symptoms. The symptoms are frequent hunger, laziness, stomach ache, Nausea and weakness of your body. Mostly, Stomach ache and hunger is seen as a major symptom and is found in people over 40 and above years of age. Due to fatty liver, the liver gets swelled up and the functioning of the liver also slows down. It can also lead to Jaundice.
Causes of Fatty Liver
- Consumption of more alcohol is the main reason for fatty liver. Alcohol increases the amount of fat in the liver and the liver also gets swelled up due to which the liver function slows down. Fatty Liver can also be genetical. Children whose parents have the problem of fatty liver also suffers from the same.
- Problems like Obesity, Diabetes and cholesterol is also one of the reason for fatty liver.
- Few medicines are also the reason for fatty liver like consumption of more aspirin, strong antibiotic and hormonal changes in pregnant ladies.
- Fatty Liver can also be due to consumption of more oily food, fried foods, iron and carnivorous food.
Homeopathic medicine for Fatty Liver
Nux Vomica 30 тАУ This is a very useful and effective medicine for fatty liver. If fatty liver is caused due to consumption of more alcohol, more oily and rich food, less sleep during night, no physical rest at all then you can take 2 drops of Nux Vomica 30 on your tongue at night before sleep. This medicine is also useful for Indigestion, Gastritis and Constipation.
The second medicine is a combination of Chelidonium Majus Q, Chionanthus Virginica Q and Phytolacca Berry Q. The first medicine increases and improves the quality of liver cells hence, removes the fat of the liver. The second medicine has almost the same function of removing the fat of the liver. The third medicine removes the fat cell and helps in reducing the obesity.
The combination of these medicines works the best for fatty liver. You can take an empty bottle of 100 ML from any homeopathic store. You need to buy 30 ML bottle of all the three medicines mentioned above and pour it in the 100 ML bottle. Shake the bottle once and take 20 drops of the medicine in half a cup of water for three times a day.
Natrum Phosphoricum 12x тАУ This is also a good medicine for fatty liver. This medicine is also given during Jaundice. You need to chew 4-5 tablets of this medicine for three times a day.
All the medicines are effective for the cure of fatty liver. It is advisable to avoid oily food and stop the consumption of alcohol.