Due to the polluted atmosphere the glowness or the fairness of our skin is lost or decreased and we suffer from a lots of skin related problems. Our skin looks so much dull and unfair. This may result in the lack of confidence. In the present time of busy life we suffer from lots of mental and physical stress and our skin looses its glow and it become dull and dry.
All of these problem can be solved by using Mary fairness formula. The problem of dullness, pimples, dark spots on skin, hyper pigmentation, Melasma and Chloasma can also be cured by using this formula.┬аMary fairness formula help to recover the dullness and dryness of our skin.
Composition of Mary fairness formula
1. Sulphur – 6 CH potency – This is used in the case of unhealthy skin and if the skin have the problem of melasma, chloasma, hyper pigmentation as well as pimples and itching. If our skin is getting dull and dark day by day then also this medicine is very effective.
2. Bovista – 6 CH potency – Due to the use of cosmetics such as several creams, lots of side effects are left on our skin. To reduce these side effect this medicine is very effective
3. Sepia – 6 CH potency – If you have dull skin and if your skin has lost its fairness and if you may suffer from the Chloasma, Melasma, Hyper pigmentation then also this is very effective medicine.
4. Kali Bromatum – 6 Ch potency –┬аSpecially for pimples and the dark spots left behind the pimples.
5. Natrum Muriatium – 6 CH potency – Without this Mary fairness formula is incomplete, it play a very efficient role in mary fairness formula. It is very effective for oily, sticky and dark skins.
Method of preparation of Mary fairness formula
After having all the above medicines in the given 6 CH potency and also take one empty bottle of 100 ml from the homeopathic shop.
Now you have to take all the above 5 medicine in equal proportion ( i.e. 20 ml each) and put it in the empty bottle. Now shake it properly by taking it in one hand and shake it by putting on the palm of another hand do this for 10 times .
Here we should have to take care that the medicine should be taken in 6 Ch potency only never take it in 30 CH potency .
How to use-
We have to take it as a dose of 6 drops thrice in a day, You can directly put it on your mouth and if you fell heat sensation then you can mix it in water and take it.
With this formula you have to apply one medicine on your skin where you require fairness and that is Berberis Aquifolium, this is very effective medicine .
Take 20 – 25 drops of it on your palm and add 20 -25 ml of rose water in it and apply it on your face and the desired portion of your body. Apply it 3 times in a day. Using both Mary fairness formula and Berberis aquifolium will help to recover from all the skin related problems.