Homeopathic Medicine for Groin – Inguinal Region
Beilis per. (Thrice a day): Sore and bruised feeling in the pelvic region. Bad effects of injuries to the pelvic organs and deeper tissues.
Berberis vulg. (Thrice a day): Stitching pain in the groins with urinary troubles or menstrual complaints – worse motion and standing.
Calcarea carb. 200 (One dose daily): When Rhus tox. ceases to work and the pain is worse in cold damp weather and better by movements.
Calcarea phos. (Thrice a day): Soreness in the joint, in bones of sacrum and ilium, as if broken. Symptoms are worse with any change in weather.
Dulcamara (Thrice a day): Pain in the groins.
Kalium nit. (Thrice a day): Burning pain in the groins during menstruation only, worse while bending. Menses black, preceded with severe backache.
Mercurius iod. fl. 2x (Thrice a day): Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Burning pain in the groins during menstruation.
Podophyllum (Thrice a day): Pain in the right inguinal region shoots from the inner thighs to knees, worse early morning.
Rhus tox. (Thrice a day): Tearing pain in the groins due to exposure to damp, wet winds or due to lifting of heavy weights. Swelling of inguinal glands.