Homeopathic Medicine for Hemorrhoids – Piles
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Hemorrhoids burn-like fire. Burning is relieved by sitting in hot water. Skin around anus ulcerated.
Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Hemorrhoids with stinging pain as if from the bite of honey bees and after confinement.
Calcarea fluor. (Four times a day): Internal piles with constipation and backache. Much flatus in the colon. Bleeding piles with itching of anus, worse during pregnancy.
Collinsonia can. (Thrice a day): Sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum. Sense of constriction. Painful, bleeding piles or blind piles. Hemorrhoids with most obstinate constipation. Constipation and piles during pregnancy – alternating with diarrhea.
Ficus rel. Q (Four times a day), Ficus ind. Q (Four times a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: Either of the remedies maybe tried if Mucuna, fails. This will stop bleeding after about 4 doses of 5 drops each. Blood should be bright red.
Hamamelis (Thrice a day): Hemorrhoids after confinement. Blood dark, profuse with soreness in the rectum, great weakness after bleeding.
Hypericum 1x (Four times a day): Bleeding piles. It is a very specific remedy.
Kalium carb. (Thrice a day): Piles relieved by hard pressure like sitting on a horseback without a saddle. Hemorrhoids are large and swollen. Piles after child birth.
Millefolium (Thrice a day): Bleeding hemorrhoids. Blood bright red. Works better in tincture-5 drops a dose, thrice daily.
Mimosa p. 1x (Thrice a day): A single dose of 1x or 6x cures external piles. Its leaves made into a poultice with oil and tied on the anus causes immediate relief in pain and also causes receding of piles.
Mucuna Q (Thrice a day) 1-2 drops in a little water: One drop a dose is very near specific for bleeding piles. 4 doses will arrest the disease. If it does no good, use the following.
Nitricum acidum, Sedum acre (Thrice a day): Hemorrhoids and fissures at the same time.
Paeonia off. (Thrice a day): This is given for piles and fissure of anus occurring together. Burning in the anus.
Podophyllum (Thrice a day): Internal and external piles. Prolapse of rectum. Constipation with hard, dry, difficult and whitish stools or constipation alternating with diarrhea.
Staphysagria (Twice a day): Reappearance of piles after some time of their operation.
Sulphur 30/ morning (One dose only), Nux vomica/night (One dose only), Aesculus hip. /afternoon (One dose only): A dose of Sulphur in the morning and a dose of Nux vomica at bed time, and a dose of Aesculus at noon will cure piles, blind or bleeding in a short time.