Homeopathic Medicine For Hernia: Within the abdominal cavity, there exists a protective layer encompassing the intestines. Prior to a child’s birth, their eggs are situated within this layer, subsequently descending into the lower sac. This descent occurs through two openings. Occasionally, a portion of the small intestine may protrude into this sac, referred to as inguinal hernia. Alternatively, the intestine might emerge through the child’s navel opening, termed “umbilical hernia.” The protrusion of any part of the intestine through these openings is designated as a prolapse or “hernia.”
Loose bowels can result from various causes, such as lifting excessively heavy loads, experiencing falls, vigorous coughing, or weakness associated with old age. In these instances, a portion of the intestine may protrude through these openings. When the intestine becomes trapped in these openings, it leads to considerable pain. Seeking relief involves a surgical procedure where the surgeon reinserts the intestine and closes these openings. However, recurrent issues may arise if heavy lifting persists.
There are some very good medicines available in homeopathy to cure it: –
Lycopodium тАУ This remedy is employed to address bowel movement issues in the right scrotum. The patient experiences a cutting pain in the right thigh. Administering 2 drops of Lycopodium 1M once every 15 days for a duration of two to three months can lead to the resolution of this hernia. Additionally, Aesculus is beneficial in cases of right-sided hernia.
Nux Vomica and Cocculus – Similar to how Lycopodium is effective for right hernias, Nux Vomica addresses issues where the intestine descends into the left scrotum. This medicine is recommended when the patient reports weakness in the abdominal layer upon waking up in the morning, particularly near the left thigh, allowing the small intestine to enter the scrotum. It proves beneficial for scrotal hernias (Ingual hernia) and is equally useful for umbilical hernias in small children. If Nux Vomica doesn’t provide relief, Cocculus can be considered as an alternative.
Aconite and Lachesis – In cases where a section of the intestine becomes trapped on its way from the hole to the scrotum, resulting in swelling, burning pain, bile surges, and cold sweats accompanied by nervousness, Aconite is recommended. If, at this stage, the trapped intestine emits a putrid odor, Lachesis should be considered. However, it is advisable to opt for surgery in this type of hernia for a more effective resolution.
Calcarea Carb тАУ This remedy is suitable for addressing loose stools in both obese and thin children. It serves as a beneficial starting point for treating various types of hernias. Numerous patients may experience improvement with this medicine. It is advisable to initiate homeopathic treatment during the initial stages of hernia. If the condition advances, opting for surgical intervention becomes a more prudent choice.
Homeopathic Medicine for Hernia
Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Hernia of intestines which is a form of inguinal hernia in which the hernial sac lies between the layers of the abdominal muscles. Pain in the strangulated bowel.
Aesculus hip. 3x (Thrice a day): Hernia of the groin (inguinal) if on the left side with pain.
Asafoetida 3x (Thrice a day): Hernia of the stomach. Stomach protrudes upwards through the esophagus. Hiatus hernia.
Aurum met. (Thrice a day): Hernia of the scrotum.
Calcarea carb. 200 (Four times a day): Hernia occurring at the navel (umbilical), it is more frequent in children and women than in men. It works in all forms of hernia. Four doses per day.
Calcarea phos. (Thrice a day): Hernia of the navel if patient is thin.
Granatum (Thrice a day): Hernia of the navel – umbilical hernia.
Hydrocotyle 1c (Thrice a day): Interstitial hernia with cellular multiplying in any part of the body.
Lycopodium 1000 (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Inguinal hernia of the right side with pain or no pain. A dose every 15th day. Strangulated hernia. Distention of the abdomen with rumbling of gas.
Magnesium mur. (Thrice a day): Scrotal hernia.
Magnesium phos. 6x (Four times a day): Scrotal hernia which is inherited.
Nux vomica 200 (One dose only) Repeat every 5th day: Right sided hernia with troubles of digestion. Give 200 potency every 5th day. Nux vomica 1x reduces the pain in old hernias and in very recent cases. It cures umbilical hernia of infants.
Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): When the hernia is strangulated and Aconitum nap., Belladonna and Nux vomica have not worked properly.
Sepia (Thrice a day): In vaginal hernia is (i.e. hernia of the vagina).
Staphysagria (Thrice a day): In cystic hernia, that is hernia of the bladder.
Wiesbaden (Thrice a day): Hernia of the thigh bone or femur.
NOTE 1: In case of strangulation of hernia, when there is great pain, Surgery is needed when the indicated remedies fail to reduce the pain and give comfort of the patient. Nux vomica 1x – given every 10 minutes helps in case of threatened strangulation.
NOTE 2: In case where it is practicable, the patient should be made to lie down on the back with hips raised upto the level of the shoulders. The hernia maybe pushed back and a truss be applied. In case of scrotal and inguinal hernia, a loin cloth tied adequately helps.