Homeopathic Medicine for Indigestion – Dyspepsia
Abies nig. (Thrice a day): Indigestion with sensation of constriction in the esophagus. It is very useful in dyspeptic troubles of the aged with functional heart symptoms. Pain in the stomach always after eating. Offensive breath and eructations.
Anacardium ori. (Thrice a day): Indigestion after taking cold drinks or stress. Such patients are always relieved by eating. There is a sensation of a plug anywhere in the alimentary canal. Heart-bum after 2-3 hours of eating.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Due to taking too much sweet or due to constipation. Loud belching.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Indigestion caused by taking preserved foods. Gradual loss of weight due to impaired nutrition.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Indigestion with excessive flatulence. It may result from over-eating or eating rich fatty foods, eating too late in the evening and sleeping soon thereafter. Burning in the chest and headache can be the result. Simplest food disagrees.
Carica papaya 1x (Thrice a day): It improves digestion specially of those who cannot digest milk or meat.
Colocynthis (Thrice a day): Indigestion after anger.
Graphites (Twice a day): Pain in the pit of the stomach after about 2 hours of eating. Constant desire to retch or to swallow.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day): Even after eating a small meal, there is heaviness and bloating in the stomach.
Ipecacuanha (Thrice a day): If the nausea is constant and is not relieved by vomiting, and the tongue is clear, this remedy is indicated. Indigestion can be due to some embarrassment.
Kalium bich. (Thrice a day): Pain, heartburn and weight in the stomach immediately after eating.
Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Very weak digestion. A little variation or error of food causes indigestion.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Indigestion due to excessive coffee drinking.
Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Indigestion with painful retching and maybe as a result of loss of sleep or stress and anxiety. There is a burning in the chest after about 30-60 minutes of eating. The patient is better by warmth and sleep or when left alone. He craves alcohol and spicy foods. Indigestion after overeating.
Ornithogalum Q (Twice a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: Useful in chronic gastric and alimentary canal ailments. Gastric ulceration with bleeding. Vomiting of coffee ground looking matter. Painful contraction at the lower end of the stomach, connecting to the duodenum.
Pepsinum 1x (Thrice a day) 3-4 grains: It digests the contents of the stomach and acts upon the secretory tissues of the stomach. Diarrhea due to indigestion. Dose 3-4 grains, thrice daily. Alcohol and carbonated drinks should not be taken during this treatment.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Indigestion with nausea and vomiting; begins after about 2 hours of eating and is worse in the evening. Taste maybe bad. It may also be a result of rich fatty foods, stress, emotions or maybe associated with menstruation or pregnancy.
Thuja occ. (Thrice a day): Indigestion due to excessive tea drinking.