Homeopathic Medicine for Iritis
Colocynthis (Thrice a day): It is a useful palliative in the pain of iritis, the pain extends to the head and is better from pressure.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day): Iritis after exposure to cold dry winds. Profuse discharge with pus in the anterior chamber of eye.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Iritis after exposure to the glare of fire usually found in foundrymen and workers of the steel rolling mills. Pus may have been formed in the interior of the eye. Iritis in patients of venereal diseases.
Nitricum acidum 200 (One dose daily): Iritis in Syphilitic patients.
Rhus tox. (Thrice a day): Iritis after exposure to cold and dampness. Lot of watering from the eyes.
Symphytum off. (Thrice a day): Iritis due to injuries to the eyeballs.