Homeopathic Medicine for Male Sterility
Women are generally blamed when couples experience infertility. My own experience shows that the blame is equally on men who are either impotent or have defective sperms. By using the following medicines, hundreds of couples have enjoyed healthy children.
Phosphorus (One dose daily): Irresistible sexual desire but no ability to perform.
Selenium met. (Thrice a day): Impotency. Semen is thin, cold and odourless. On attempting coition, penis relaxes. Increased desire, decreased ability.
Thuja occ. 200 (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Has suffered from syphilis or gonorrhea and is impotent.
Tribulus ter. Q (Thrice a day): Discharge too quick. Partial impotence on account of advanced age. Weak semen. Sperms absent or in too low count. Poor mobility of sperms. It cures almost all the abnormalities of the spermatozoa like coiled tail pieces, pairing, etc. which renders the patient incapable of fertilization of the egg. Give 10-15 drops thrice daily. Results are usually achieved in 4-6 months.
Turnera Q (Thrice a day): Impotency. Absence of sperms. 10 drops in water thrice daily.