Homeopathic Medicine for Memory Loss
Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Does not remember dates and recent events. Forgets the phone number just when he starts to dial although he had seen the number just now in the directory.
Aethusa cyn. (Thrice a day): No interest in remembering things.
Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Suited to children who forget their lessons. Stupid children.
Agnus castus (Thrice a day), Acidum phos. (Thrice a day), Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Loss of memory due to sexual excesses and masturbation. Take other symptoms of the remedy into account.
Ailanthus g. (Thrice a day): Forgets what was spoken a little while ago.
Ambra grisea (Thrice a day): An old man or a man who has grown old before time cannot remember simplest words to express himself. Changes irrelevantly from one subject to another. Forgets simple words like bread and butter.
Anacardium ori. (Thrice a day): Loss or weak memory after small-pox, chickenpox. Remembers a thing now and a moment after forgets it. Irresistible desire to curse. The patient is depressed and irritable.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): The patient is absent minded and has a poor memory.
Aurum met. (Thrice a day): Absent mindedness. The patient is apathetic and listless.
Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): Absent mindedness in old people. Age has impaired all the functions including memory.
Camphora (Thrice a day): Loss of memory after hysterical attacks.
Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): Very forgetful. Starts to speak and forgets what he was to say. Forgets where he placed his glasses five minutes ago.
Cocculus ind. (Thrice a day): Mind distracted. Easily worried.
Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Absent mindedness, debility and hypochondria. Poor memory, accompanied by disorders of the urinary tract and sexual weakness.
Digitalis (Thrice a day): Thinking difficult. Forgets everything.
Glonoinum (Thrice a day): He forgets the name of his own street and the number or location of his own house where he has been staying for a long time. Gets lost in familiar surroundings.
Kalium brom. (Thrice a day): Absent mindedness. Impaired co-ordination. Numbness and tingling in the limbs.
Lac can. (Thrice a day): Makes purchases and goes home without picking them up. Goes to post a letter and comes back with the letter in his pocket. Cannot concentrate on studies or anything.
Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Weakness of memory after an attack of influenza. Uses wrong words and cannot express himself properly. Commits mistakes in spelling, in writing and is averse to do any mental work. Suitable for old persons. Lycopodium contains hyper zine which slows down breakdown of acetylcholine, the brain chemical vital for maintaining memory.
Mancinella (Thrice a day): Wandering thoughts. Sudden vanishing of thoughts.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Absent mindedness with loss of will power and weak memory.
Rhododendron ch. (Thrice a day): Sudden disappearance of thoughts. Omits words while writing.
Rhus tox. (Thrice a day): Incapable of a continuous thoughts. Writes incorrect figures. If he has to write 31, he writes only 3 or 1.
Scutelaria lat. (Thrice a day): Loss of memory or weakness of memory in nervous persons.
Stramonium (Thrice a day): Uses incorrect words in talks or speech because he has no memory of the correct words.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Does not remember names and words.
Thyreoidinum 3x (Thrice a day): Improves memory of patients with thyroid trouble.
Vanadium (Thrice a day): It helps to increase memory.
Zincum phos. (Thrice a day): Weakness of memory due to mental weakness. Cannot keep his legs still.