Homeopathic Medicine And Treatment For Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that causes thick, silvery, scaly, red patches to appear on the skin. A specific type of arthritis is frequently associated with the disease.
It is one of the most important skin disorder because of its frequency, persistence and recurrent nature. It is a genetic disease of unknown cause and is often familiar. It is the commonest non-infectious, chronic, relapsing papulosquamous skin disease. It represent an erythematous and scaly lesions which are elevated. Psora, sycosis and syphilis-all three miasms are operating here.
This is characterised by formation of erythematous papules or patch with clear margins. and covered with white scales in different parts of the body without any constitutional disturbances. It is common in young adults of either sex In some patient family history is present. Seasonal aggravation in winter is present and better in Summer. Its course is chronic and very obstinate in nature. It tends to recur after an apparent cure. It does not leave scar or pigmentations when disappears. It starts as a tiny erythematous papule with thin scales on the top (white silvery). The silvery scales are heaped up which enlarges, centrifugally and form a big sheet (plaque). These are common at the tip of elbows, over patella, L.S. region, calves, fore arm and scalp. The nails are pitted or striated. There is no itching or impairment of health. They are a life long disorder subject to unpredictable remissions and relapses.
Seborrhoea (Seborrhoeic Dermatitis)
A commonly eczematous disorder occurring in hairy areas. It is greasy or moist brownish scales on the scalp a common condition, in the world. It is superficially irregular patches on skin surface covered with yellow scales of different sizes. It generally affects the scalp, forehead, face, behind the ears, sternum, back of neck and shoulders. A yeast like fungus is found in the sebum secretion often with secondary staphylococcus infection. It
occurs in people with excessive oily skin with disturbance of fat metabolism. It can occur in children after birth- a cap like crusty condition on scalp (Infantile eczema) cheeks and whole body may also be affected-known as weeping eczema. It leaves scales after drying. Upto puberty it remains as dried up on the scalp known as Dandruff. During the 3rd stage at the time of puberty, the sebum gland is infected and come out as Acne on the face. In the 4th stage Dandruff collected on the scalp leads to baldness. In the final stage in old people seborrheic warts which may go on to malignancy.
In its treatment fatty and carbohydrates are cut down in the diet
It can be on any part of the body but rarely on the face. The cause is unknown and it responds to homeopathic treatment very well. The treatment is lengthy and requires patience. The disease lessens in severity in summer and goes into remission from time to time with no apparent reason.
Homeopathic Medicine For Psoriasis
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): When other symptoms of the remedy are present and there is irritation of the skin. Its first influence is to make eruptions redder and more inflamed. It is a good sign for the use of this remedy. There is a burning sensation which is relieved by warmth.
Aurum mur. nat. 3x (Thrice a day): Only for psoriasis Syphilitica.
Calotropis Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Psoriasis of Syphilitic patients in the second stage when mercury has stopped doing further good.
Carcinocinum 1M (One dose only): A monthly dose as an intercurrent remedy ensures prompt cure.
Chrysarobinum (Thrice a day): If the nails become dull, develop ridges and pits, and the cause is psoriasis, give thrice daily. Its ointment – 8 grains in an ounce of Vaseline can be used externally. Vesicular lesions with fetid discharge and crust formation. Violent itching. Thighs, legs and ears specially affected.
Cicuta vir. (Thrice a day): Spots having burning pains when touched. Much irritating eruptions on the ears.
Corallium rub. (Thrice a day): Psoriasis of palms and soles.
Cuprum met. (Thrice a day): Chronic psoriasis. Skin is of bluish color. Few spots itch, worse in the folds of joints.
Graphites (One dose daily): If the crusts are sticky and glutaneous, and the patient is constipated and cautious.
Hepar Sulphuris 200 (One dose daily): Patients over-sensitive to changes in weather specially from dry to cold, and desires warmth.
Hydrocotyle 200 (One dose daily): Psoriasis of soles, palms, trunks and extremities with circular patches. Circular spots with scaly edges. The skin is excessively thick and dry.
Ignatia amara 200 (One dose only): Aggravation of psoriasis after disputes and anger.
Kalium ars. (Thrice a day): Discoloration of the skin after cause of psoriasis is removed by this remedy.
Kalium brom. (Thrice a day): Worse on the chest and shoulders, and in very rare cases when it spreads to the face also. It is a leading remedy for psoriasis.
Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Psoriasis or fungus growth on palms. Skin is dry and shrunken.
Manganum acet. (Thrice a day): Psoriasis with painful cracks. Worse at the time of menses.
Mercurius bin iod. 3x (Thrice a day): Syphilitic and non-Syphilitic psoriasis.
Mezereum 200 (One dose only): Psoriasis of palms; itching worse with warmth.
Petroleum 200 (One dose only): Once a week, when there is aggravation by cold and in winters. Thick, greenish crusts. Burning and itching specially in psoriasis of hands with fissures.
Psorinum 200 (One dose only): This is a psoriasis nosode and it works when the skin looks dirty and there is much itching which is worse by the warmth of bed. Crusts disappear in summer and reappear in winter.
Radium brom. 200 (One dose only): Circular patches of psoriasis all over the body. Itching, redness, swelling and extreme burning of the skin as if on fire, worse on undressing but better in the open air and by a hot bath. Arthritis and pains all over the body.
Selenium met. 200 (One dose only): Syphilitic psoriasis of palms.
Sulphur 10M (One dose only): Start the treatment with this remedy. The patient is dirty and has an aversion to bathing. Burning and itching. Dry, scaly unhealthy skin. The disease is worse in spring time and in damp weather. No other remedy should be given for 24 hours and repeat it after a month.
Thyreoidinum 3x (Thrice a day): It is indicated specially in younger girls. It is also useful in distressing itching of the disease. It is more indicated in patients with thyroid trouble and obesity. Skin is dry.
Tuberculinum 200 (One dose only): Chronic psoriasis with intense itching worse at night. It is particularly indicated in tuberculous children and in patients having a history of tuberculous in the family.
Zea italica Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: When no other remedy is effective, use of this remedy sometimes proves curative.
NOTE: Psoriasis is believed to be related to incomplete protein digestion, alcohol consumption, bowel imbalance, abnormal liver function and too much animal fat in diet. Hence, long term dietary changes with respect to fat intake may help to bring about improvement. Animal fats should be eliminated while oil of seeds included, as it does not produce any adverse effect. Similarly, non-vegetarian foods should be substituted with vegetarian foods. Alcohol should not be consumed during the treatment. It is generally believed that the disease is produced by eating a fish suffering from psoriasis but the exact cause is still not known.