Homeopathic Medicine for Rickets
This disease is due to deficiency in intake of vitamin D which is found in milk. Sunshine is a good source of vitamin D. Children suffering from this disease have abnormalities in shape and structure of their bones. The usual symptoms are restlessness and slight fever at night, free perspiration about the head, enlarged liver and spleen, delayed dentition and badly formed teeth. There may be nodules on the ribs. Long bones are curved. Some bone deformities may require Surgery. Excessive use of vitamin D in infants over 20000 I.U. and in adults 100000 I.U. daily is dangerous. Vitamin D is made in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The body needs this vitamin to maintain normal calcium levels and to build bones. Ultraviolet rays are present in the morning when the sun is still rising and is red in color.