Homeopathic Medicine for Sacrum
Aesculus hip. (Thrice a day): Aching aggravated by walking or standing with blind piles.
Aloe soc. (Thrice a day): Drawing and heaviness aggravated in the evening with bleeding piles and diarrhea.
Baptisia (Thrice a day): Pain in sacrum, around hips and legs. Sore and bruised, worse humid heat, indoor or in fog.
Berberis vulg. (Thrice a day): Violent pains, aching, bruised, dragging or pressing aggravated by lying, sitting or stooping with rectal troubles.
Helonias (Thrice a day): Sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in the sacrum and pelvis with great weakness and debility. Tired and pain in the back. Patient feels better when he is kept busy and when his attention is engaged in some work.
Lachesis (Twice a day): Sacral pain and pain in coccyx worse on rising from a seat, better by sitting perfectly still.
Sabina (Thrice a day): Pain from sacrum to pubis.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Dragging pain with uterine disorders or loaded urine.
Tellurium met. (Thrice a day): Pressing or bruised pains, stabbing like pain worse on motion, by coughing, laughing, stooping, and is accompanied with rectal troubles.