Homeopathic Medicine for Sexual Desire Problems
Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Itching and irritation of genitals makes her restless and she has a strong desire to embrace everybody.
Ambra grisea: General itching and soreness and swelling. Blood stained discharge between periods. Nervous and hypersensitive women with excessive sexual desire.
Asterias rub. (Thrice a day): Excitement of sexual instinct with nervous agitation.
Baryta carb. 200 (One dose daily): Excessive sexual desire in children or in old persons.
Baryta mur. (Thrice a day): Excessive sexual desire for sexual intercourse in ladies.
Bufo rana (Thrice a day): Produces sexual over-stimulation in healthy males.
Caladium seg. (Thrice a day): Excessive sexual excitement due to pruritus of vulva and vagina during pregnancy or due to worms in vagina.
Calcarea carb. (Twice a day): Burning and itching of the genitals before and after menstruation which increases the desire. It causes easy conception.
Calcarea phos. (Thrice a day): Suckling of a child causes sexual excitement. Sexual excitement before menses.
Cantharis (Thrice a day): Irritation of vulva causes excessive sexual desire leading to sexual mania.
Gratiola off. (Thrice a day): It is a very good remedy for females with excessive sexual desire, compelling her to masturbate.
Hyoscyamus nig. 200 (One dose daily): She talks of obscene, non-sense and vulgar things. Exposes her genitals.
Hydrofluoricum acidum: Heavy, lengthy periods. Burning discharge from vagina. Excessive desire.
Lachesis (One dose daily): Desire increased during menopause.
Murex purp. (Thrice a day): Violent excitement of the sexual organs. Desire easily excited even by touch of the parts.
Onosmodium (Thrice a day): Complete loss of sexual desire in women. A booster for low libido (little appetite for sex) in women and satisfying sex.
Origanum maj. 3x (Thrice a day): Intense powerful sexual desire. Lascivious ideas and dreams. Always thinking of sex and acts, specially females. An irresistible impulse of pressing up behind someone in the crowd thus producing an orgasm. Pathological exaggeration of sexual behaviour.
Phosphorus 200 (One dose only): The patient exposes her genital organs. Unbearable sexual desire forces her to vices. Desire again after coition. Constant wish for coition. Desire is worse during menses and pregnancy.
Picricum acidum 6 (Thrice a day): There is strong sexual desire with terrible erections which are painful. Excessive, uncontrollable sexual drive in men.
Platinum met. 200 (One dose daily): Tingling inside the vagina and pruritus causes excessive sexual desire specially in virgins. Wishes to embrace everybody.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Sexual excitement during menses.
Sepia 200 (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Leucorrhea causes increased sexual desire.
Silicea (Thrice a day): Excessive sexual stimulation.
Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Desire diminished after excessive masturbation or after excessive indulgence.
Stramonium 200 (One dose only): Excessive sexual desire during the lying-in period in women after labour and during menstrual periods.
Strychninum purum (Thrice a day): Suitable for ladies having an increased desire for sexual intercourse. Even a touch on the body provokes a desire for sex.
Tarentula his. (Thrice a day): Sexual desire increased during menses and mania. Wants coition again and again.
Veratrum alb. (Thrice a day): Uncontrollable excessive sexual desire during menses.
Zincum met. (Thrice a day): Excessive sexual stimulation with a desire to masturbate.