Homeopathic Medicine for Sinuses
Kalium bich. (Thrice a day): Aching and fullness between the eyebrows in the forehead. Semi-lateral headache in small spots. Mucus is stretchy and is of green – yellow color. Nostrils blocked. It is the main remedy for sinus conditions and pressure in nasal passages.
Mentholum (Thrice a day): Pain over frontal sinus – descends to eyeballs. Supraorbital pain over the left eye.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Sinus with facial tenderness which is sensitive to touch. Excessive yellow mucus with sneezing. Yellow-green phlegm.
Sanguinaria (Thrice a day): Sinusitis. Pain in the right eyebrow.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Sinusitis. Stinging pains from within outwards and upwards, specially left side of head or forehead.
Silicea 200 (Thrice a day) Repeat after a week: A dose every 7th day in the sinus left after an abscess.
Spigelia (Thrice a day): Sinusitis. Pain beneath frontal eminence and temples extending to eyes. Headache starts from nape of the neck and extends to the left eye.
Sticta pulm. (Thrice a day): In sinusitis which is dry. Pain on both the eyebrows after exposure.
NOTE: Sinuses are the cavities of certain facial bones and sinusitis is the inflammation of those cavities. Sinusitis most often occurs after a cold and is accompanied by pain in the forehead and under the eyes.