Homeopathic Medicine for Slipped Disc – Spondylitis – Backache
Discs are gelatinous cushions in between each vertebra and are surrounded by tough fibrous mass called “annulus fibrosis”.
Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): In the early stages, on exposure to cold dry winds with sudden onset. Worse on movement and at night.
Ammonium carb. (Thrice a day): Prolapse of the disc. Pain in the lumbar region of the back, worse on sneezing and coughing.
Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Burning, bruised pain, worse by heat, covering and movements. Cool air gives relief.
Arnica mont. 1M (One dose daily): Spine is very sensitive. Spasms in the muscles of the neck and back. Bruised pain, worse on movement.
Belladonna (Thrice a day): Violent cutting or tearing pains in the neck, spine or hips. Restlessness, worse by resting. Burning with pain.
Bryonia alba (Thrice a day): Pain in the neck, back and limbs better from heat and pressure, worse on movement.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Tearing pain in the limbs and in the hollow of knees. Better in damp weather and by warmth.
Chamomilla (Thrice a day): Sensitive patients feel pain more than it actually is. Sensation of numbness.
Hypericum 3x (Thrice a day): Spinal concussion. Loss of power of function in the spinal cord due to a fall, severe blow or severe jerking. Pain in the nape of the neck, pressure over sacrum. Pain in coccyx. Pain radiates up and down the back and extremities.
Kalium bich. (Thrice a day): Pain in the lumbar region of the spine while sitting. Pain in the fingers and wrists. Patient is irritable. Pain worse by cold.
Kalium carb. (Thrice a day): Stabbing, sticking or cutting pains. Worse on movement and better by hard pressure. Pain from back to thighs.
Ledum pal. (Thrice a day): Shifting pain accompanied by stiffness. Worse by heat and movement, better by cold applications.
Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Pain on account of over-exertion. Movement or turning in bed hurts. Cramps in the calves and soles at night.
Rhus tox. (Thrice a day): Backache due to over-exertion, hard exercise or due to an exposure to cold or wet, when sweating or warm. Pain and stiffness is worse at rest but better on movement for a short time.