Homeopathic Medicine for Snoring
China off. (Thrice a day): Snoring specially in children.
Hippozaeninum (Thrice a day): Noisy breathing and snoring especially in the aged. Maybe due to chronic nasal catarrh and ulceration of nasal sinus.
Lemna minor (Thrice a day): Snoring due to nasal polypi and from nasal obstruction.
Oenanthe croc. 6 (Thrice a day): Snoring in epileptic patients and during menstruation.
Opium 200 (One dose daily): Stertorous breathing and deep snoring, especially in old people.
NOTE 1: The average snorer is a person more than 40 years old. While he inhales or exhales during sleep, the soft palate vibrates noisily. Snoring is usually caused by a condition which hinders breathing such as a cold, an allergy, nasal polyp, tumor or deviated septum. The cause must be removed to stop snoring. Snoring can also be diminished by reducing weight, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol in the evening before sleeping.
NOTE 2: Snoring can also be cured about 80 percent by Surgery. The operation is called uvulopalatoplasty – pharyngoplasty.
NOTE 3: Some small plastic devices are available to help snorers.