Homeopathic Medicine for Steroids Effect
Steroids include a wide variety of chemicals found in both plants and animals for example – cholesterol, sex hormones, poisons and plant toxins. Recent evidence suggests that steroids affect the immune system in a way similar to “AIDS”. Long term use of steroids causes тАШosteoporosisтАЩ – softening and brittleness of bones causing deformities. To antidote the bad effects of excessive use of steroids, the following medicines may prove useful:
Baryta hos. 200 (One dose daily): When steroids have stopped a young person from normal growth to his or her full height.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day): People who require long term use of steroids, should also take this remedy to reduce the risk of тАШosteoporosisтАЩ and if it has already started.
Chelidonium 6 (Thrice a day): When heavy use of steroids has caused liver damage and hardening of arteries.
Cortisonum 200 (One dose only): To antidote the bad effects of cortisone.
Hyoscyamus nig. 30 (Twice a day): When steroid use has made a person highly suspicious of all.
Oophorinum 1M (One dose only): To antidote the bad effect of steroids prepared from female sex hormones.
Orchitinum 1M (One dose only): To antidote steroids prepared from male sex hormones like тАЬtestosteroneтАЭ and other anabolic steroids.
Saponinum 200 (One dose only): To antidote bad effect of steroids prepared from plants.
NOTE: If the Steroid hormone therapy is to continue for more than a few days, the patient should have a low salt diet, restricted fluid intake and a high protein diet.