Homeopathic Medicine for Sunstroke
Gelsemium 200 (Twice a day): Among the remedies for prevention of sunstrokes, this one is most important. It covers all symptoms of a man who feels played out and is specially indicated in hot and damp weather. Give one dose to a person going out when the sun is hot and who cannot bear the heat of the sun.
Glonoinum 10M (One dose only): Due to sunstroke, face turns pale, has fixed eyes, strenuous respiration, high fever and sometimes unconsciousness may result. One dose of 10M removes these symptoms.
Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Chronic effects of sunstrokes.
Natrium mur. 200: It is a very good remedy for sunstroke and acts splendidly. A dose every 15 minutes.
NOTE: Move the patient to a shaded, cool place immediately in case of sunstroke.