Homeopathic Medicine for Syphilis
Aceticum acidum lx: Hard chancre – a raised button-like nodule on the glan penis. Use locally and internally.
Aethiops mineralis (Thrice a day) 3x Lis – Mineralis 3x: Hereditary syphilis.
Asafoetida 3x (Thrice a day): It has been found to affect favourably deep ulceration and caries of bones in deep Syphilitic organisms. There is extreme sensitiveness and terrible throbbing. Nocturnal pains guide to the use of this remedy.
Aurum met. (Thrice a day): It is useful when mercury has been over used but without any further improvement in the case. It is one of the best remedies for pains in bones, especially during the night.
Aurum mur. nat. 3x (Thrice a day): It is used when Syphilitic eruptions have developed on the body appearing like psoriasis. Occasional use of this remedy during pregnancy by the mother prevents birth of a Syphilitic child, if either or both parents suffer from syphilis at the time of conception.
Calcarea flour. 6x (Thrice a day): Hereditary syphilis from birth especially when there is ulceration of the mouth and throat, caries, necrosis and burning boring pains.
Calotropis Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Psoriasis of the Syphilitic patient in the second stage where mercury cannot do any further good. A sensation of warmth in the pit the stomach is a leading symptom. It cures ulcers and blotches from the skin and perfects the cure. It also cures primary anemia of syphilis.
Carbo animalis (Thrice a day): It is useful when blotches are developed in some parts of the body, especially on the face and are copper-colored.
Ferrum met. (Thrice a day): In treating a case of syphilis with tumor in the brain, which is likely to be present in the later stages of this disease, never use this remedy and if already used, do not repeat. It can cause brain hemorrhage.
Kalium iod. (Thrice a day): Pain in small joints. Blisters in the mouth. Burning in parts. Larynx painful.
Mercurius dulc. 2x (Thrice a day): It is useful in cases of Syphilitic women. There are eruptions at the mouth of the vagina and vulva, and also on the pubis. Also, useful for hereditary syphilis manifestations.
Mercurius sol. 2x (Thrice a day): This remedy is used in all the stages of syphilis. There are ulcers on the tongue and mouth. All discharges are foul. It is also useful for pains in different parts of Syphilitics. It is useful in males.
Natrium iod. 1x (Thrice a day): This sodium salt is stated to be useful in the treatment of tertiary syphilis.
Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): It is useful in the early stages of the disease when the urine smells like that of a horse. It is also useful in babies and children who have inherited the disease from their parents. Blisters in the mouth and under the lips.
Syphilinum 1000 (One dose only): In primary syphilis, this has little or no effect at all and then mercury should be given in high potency. Syphilinum will be useful as a remedy to bring about a reaction in the system. This remedy is of great use in old Syphilitics, where convalescence is particularly long after an acute disease. A single dose will bring back his appetite, strength, sleep and rapid gain in weight.
Diet: In all Syphilitic cases, alcohol in every form should be prohibited. A pure vegetarian diet should be suggested.
NOTE: Signs of syphilis infection usually start with small, painless ulcers at the site of the infection. They are called chancres and they often disappear on their own without any treatment in as little as three weeks. The second stage comes 4-10 weeks later when a rash appears on the palms, soles and pelvic region along with fever and muscle ache. If the infection still goes untreated, it disappears for 10 years or more during which time it works on the brain, bones, skin and lungs, and causes lesions on the skin and bones. It may further cause heart trouble, blindness, difficulty in walking or insanity. Homeopathic treatment is effective and simple.