Homeopathic Medicine for Talkativeness
Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): Excessive loquacity. Talks nonsense but cannot help it. Talks extempore on any subject but without making any sense and understanding.
Hyoscyamus nig. (Thrice a day): Very talkative and persists on talking obscene things.
Lachesis (Twice a day): He does most of the talking in a meeting or a society. Makes speeches in a selective language. He monopolizes all the talks during discussions. He can discuss all the subjects in the world, without all the knowledge of those.
Podophyllum (Thrice a day): Irrelevant and incessant talking during high fever.
Stannum met. (Thrice a day): Talking causes a weak feeling in the chest and throat.
Stramonium (Thrice a day): Ceaseless talking without any aim.