Homeopathic Medicine for Tuberculosis
A 1992 report of the World Health Organization states that 13rd of world’s population was infected with this disease. The frightening fact is that about 3 million people die from tuberculosis each year, leaving rest to possibly spread the disease. Tuberculosis is spread from person to person by coughing, sneezing, etc. Coughing not associated with large quantities of sputum but often streaked with blood is the first common symptom. Fever, loss of weight and profuse sweats, especially during the night, may follow. Under such circumstances, an X-ray of the lungs will reveal the original defect.
Many thinks of tuberculosis as tuberculosis of the lungs only, but it can be of cavities of the abdomen, urinary and reproductive systems, bones and joints including the spine. Homeopathy offers a very successful treatment in this respect. In advanced cases, bed rest with an adequate well-balanced vegetarian diet and relief from emotional tension is required.
Acalypha ind. Q (Twice a day): Spitting of blood.
Allium sativum (Thrice a day): Four to six grams of raw garlic boiled in a little milk and given in divided doses, 3-4 times a day dries up the excessive phlegm in the patients of tuberculosis.
Arsenicum iod. 3x (Thrice a day): Phthisis with hoarse, racking cough and profuse expectoration of a purulent nature. Cardiac weakness. Emaciation and debility. Chronic watery diarrhea. Appetite good. Anemia and dyspnea. Night sweats. Afternoon rise of temperature in early stages.
Aviaire 1000 (Thrice a day) (Tuberculin from birds) Repeat after six months: Has proved to be an effective remedy in tuberculosis, when there are symptoms of influenza and bronchitis. Relieves debility. Diminishes the cough. Improves the appetite and breaks up the disease. This should not be repeated before six months.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day): Weakness due to the disease. Consumption develops very rapidly.
Carbo animalis (Thrice a day): Ulceration of the lungs with a feeling of coldness in the chest. Cough with discharge of greenish pus.
Chininum sulph. (Thrice a day): Subnormal temperature. Chronic cough. Gradual loss of weight.
Cocculus ind. (Thrice a day): Sensation of emptiness and cramps in the chest. Dyspnea. Constriction of the chest. Oppressed breathing, producing cough.
Digitalis (Thrice a day): Reduces the fever of the disease. Tuberculosis with heart disease.
Drosera (Thrice a day): Laryngeal phthisis with rapid emaciation. Hoarseness. Constriction of the throat at every word uttered.
Ferrum phos. (Thrice a day): A very good and powerful palliative in severity of tuberculosis symptoms.
Guaiacum off. (Thrice a day): Tuberculosis in Rheumatic subjects. Suffocation. Dry, tingling cough. Stitches in the ribs and chest. Shortness of breath with expectoration.
Helix tosta CM (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: Hemoptysis of consumption.
Hydrastis (Thrice a day): To fatten patients after tuberculosis.
Millefolium Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Hemoptysis in incipient phthisis. Cough with bloody expectoration.
Phosphorus (One dose only) Once a week: Tuberculosis in tall, rapidly growing young people. Do not give less than 30 potency and that also not too frequently. If given often, it may hasten the destructive degeneration of the tuberculoid masses. Repeated haemoptysis. Hard, dry cough with congestion of the lungs. Burning pains, heat and oppression of the chest. Tuberculosis of the intestines.
Sabal ser. (Thrice a day): Tuberculosis of the larynx.
Saccharum off. (Thrice a day): For diarrhea in the disease.
Senecio aur. (Thrice a day): Acute inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract. Hoarseness. Chest sore and raw. Dyspnea on ascending. Dry, teasing cough with chest pain.
Silicea (Thrice a day): Large cavities in the lungs. Fever. Night sweats.
Stannum met. 3x (Thrice a day): Phthisis of pulmonary mucous membranes. Violent, dry cough in the evening and at night with copious green, sweetish mucus. Respiration short and oppressive. Fever. Hoarseness.
Streptococcinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Reduces fever. Rapid action on temperature.
Thuja occ. (Thrice a day): Tuberculosis of larynx.