Homeopathic Medicine for Vital Force
Armoracia sat. (Thrice a day): Use thrice daily for raising the vital force for quite some time.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): An acute disease has greatly depleted the patients. Patient is incapable of any movement and his fingers become blue. Cold, copious sweats, cold breath, cold tongue and cold body as if there is no life in it. Loss of voice. Carbo veg. saves life where vital force is nearly exhausted.
Coca Q (Thrice a day): Exhausted nervous system. Loss of voice. 5-6 drops, three times a day.
Cochlearia arm. Q (Thrice a day): Raises the vital forces. Useful in enfeebled states of stomach; causes copious production of urine.
Lobelia purp. 6 (Thrice a day): All the vital forces are weak. Nervous prostration. Intense feeling of chill without shivering. Tongue, heart and lungs feel paralysed. Use it in lower potencies.
Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Vital force is weakened. There is excessive and persistent tired feeling all over the body. Want of will power. Weakness of mind.
Silicea 6x (Thrice a day): It strengthens the vital force and cures very deep-seated diseases. Here also the patient feels cold and likes to keep his head covered always.