Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Related Problems
Alfalfa Q (Thrice a day): 10 drops taken thrice daily produces more fat and subsequent gain in weight.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Gradual loss of weight due to impaired nutrition.
Iodium 1M (One dose only), 2x-3x (Thrice a day): In high potencies 200 and 1000, increase weight, while in low potencies i.e., 2x and 3x, it reduces weight, flesh and obesity. Patient eats well but loses weight and flesh.
Kalium hydriod. (Thrice a day): Gradual loss of weight due to fungoid diseases.
Lecithinum 3x (Thrice a day): Improves nutrition and increases flesh and weight.
Phytolacca dec. (Thrice a day): Decrease of weight due to grandular diseases.
Natrium mur. 30 (Thrice a day), 10M (One dose only): Losing weight gradually due to over-work, disappointment and suppressed menses.
Tuberculinum (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Loss of weight due to respiratory diseases and enlarged tonsils.