Homeopathic Medicine For Abdominal Problems
Abies nig. 30 (Twice a day) : Sensation of a lump at the cardiac end of the stomach.
Aceticum acidum, Ammonium carb., Medorrhinum, Podophyllum, Stramonium (Thrice a day) : Feel relieved by lying on the abdomen.
Ambra grisea 30C (Twice a day) : Sensation of weakness in the abdomen in the old people after passing a stool.
Apocynum can. 3x (Thrice a day) : Bloated due to dropsy. Has a very quick action. Reduces waist and weight within a month.
Bacillinum 200 (One dose only) : Once every 15 days, when abdomen is distended in thin rickety children.
Calcarea carb. 30C┬а(Twice a day) : Distention of abdomen in fat, scrofulous children. Increase of fats generally. Abdomen is sensitive to slight touch and pressure. Patient cannot bear tight clothing around waist.
Carbo veg. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Distention of abdomen with contracting pain which extends to chest. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist and abdomen. Better passing wind.
Cina 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Distention due to worms.
Colchicum autum. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Abdomen bloated with gas. Cannot stretch legs.
Conium mac. 30C┬а(Twice a day) : Sensation of a lump about the liver region.
Dioscorea 30C┬а(Twice a day) : Distention due to wind with pain in the belly.
Gnaphalium 30C┬а: Gurgling sound in the large intestines due to the passage of flatus.
Hedeoma 1 x (Twice a day) : Everything taken into the stomach causes pain.
Helleborus 30C┬а: Gurgling as if intestines were full of water.
Kalium bich. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Cutting pain in the abdomen soon after eating.
Kalium carb. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Sensation of a lump in the pit of the stomach.
Lachesis 200 (One dose daily), Bovista 30 (Thrice a day) : Can not bear even light clothing around the waist.
Lycopodium 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Distention of abdomen with or without constipation and due to flatulence.
Lycopodium, Rhus tox. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Abdomen is bloated immediately after a light meal.
Magnesium phos. 6x (Thrice a day) : Bloating of abdomen due to pains. Must pass flatus constantly.
Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days : Sleep more comfortably on the abdomen. Feels better lying on abdomen when suffering from oppression of breathing, asthma or dyspnea.
Natrium sulph. 6x, Bovista 30, Lachesis 30 (Thrice a day) : Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist.
Oxalicum acidum 30C┬а: Burning and pain in small spots of the abdomen.
Plumbum met 30C┬а(Twice a day) : Sensation of abdomen being drawn to the spine by a string.
Podophyllum 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Enlarged and hanging abdomen after giving birth to a baby.
Sanicula aqua 30C┬а (Twice a day) : Pot bellied children.
Selenium met. 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Sensation of pulsations after eating.
Sepia 30C┬а(Thrice a day) : Pot bellied or hanging down abdomen of women after giving birth to several children. Many brown spots on abdomen.
Silicea 12x (Thrice a day) : Distention of abdomen in children generally with large heads and weak legs.
Staphysagria 200 (One dose daily) for 3 days : Burning pains in the scar after abdominal operation.
Sulphur (One dose daily) for 7 days : Large abdomen of unmarried girls at puberty. Movements in the abdomen as if there is something alive in it.
Tabacum 200 (One dose daily) for 3 days : Wants abdomen uncovered.
Thuja occ., Crocus sativus (Thrice a day) : Hard distention with a feeling as if a living child or an animal were in the abdomen. Sense of fake pregnancy.
Uranium nit., Kalium carb.,┬а Dolichos (Thrice a day): Abdomen bloated with gas. Kalium carb. has abdominal pain due to gas.