Homeopathic Remedies for Angina Pectoris
Angina pectoris is a severe constricting pain in the chest, often radiating from the precordium (heart) to a shoulder (usually left) and down the arm.
British research team of Cambridge University scientists headed by Prof. Morris Brown said that Vitamin E cuts heart attack risk by 75%. Vitamin E occurs naturally in foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, butter, leafy vegetables and whole grains. Daily average intake of Vitamin E is recommended to be 15 to 30 international units.
Aconitum nap. (Four times a day): Sudden attack of angina with acute pain in the region of heart, arm and left shoulder. Palpitation, pulse full, hard and bouding. Restlessness, constant pressure in the chest obstructing smooth breathing. Cough may be present. It should be given immediately on the onset of the feeling of pain when there is a previous history of the disease in the patient.
Ammonium carb. 30 (Four times a day): Danger of failure of heart due to a prolonged illness. Give a dose every half hour.
Amylenum nit. Q (One dose only): A little cotton drenched in it may be placed near the nostril of the patient for inhaling. It gives immediate relief after which the indicated remedy can be used.
Argentum nit. (One dose only): It is best applicable when the heart attack occurs after taking meals. Angina pain is worse at night.
Arsenicum iod. 3x (Twice a day): If this remedy is indicated, give one dose at night and one dose in the morning immediately after food.
Bryonia alba Q: Stitching and tearing pains in the heart region greatly aggravated by any motion and better by rest and lying on the painful side. Patient is irritable with all mucous membranes dry. 5 drops on a lump of sugar of milk or sugar every hour. Never give water or liquid during the attack.
Cactus Q: Acute pain, suffocation and contraction in heart region. 10-15 drops every 15 minutes. Cold sweat, vertigo, dyspnea and flatulence. Acute pain in the heart shooting down the left arm. Pulse weak.
Cimicifuga (One dose only): Pain in the heart region and the left arm. Heart action ceases suddenly and there is impending suffocation.
Crataegus oxy. Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Pain in the region of heart and under the left collar bone. Cardiac cough. Pulse accelerated, irregular and feeble. Valvular murmurs, blueness of the fingers and toes. Sustains heart in infectious diseases.
Cuprum acet. (One dose only): It may be given thrice daily. It may prove to be of great value.
Digitalis (Four times a day): Angina pectoris with a feeling as if the heart would cease working. Pulse is slow and the patient is worse by movement.
Gelsemium (Four times a day): Palpitation. Pulse soft and slow but increased on motion. However, the patient wants to keep in motion, because of the feeling that his heart will stop if he does not move.
Glonoinum 30 (Four times a day): Violent beating of the heart as if it will burst open. Strenuous breathing. Pains radiate in all directions, down left arm with weakness.
Kalmia lat. (One dose only): Weak, slow pulse. Palpitation, worse leaning forward. Sharp pains take away the breath. Shooting through chest above the heart into shoulder blades. Heart’s action tumultuous, rapid and visible.
Lachesis 30 (One dose only): Shooting pain of the heart and arteries on the left portion of the chest and left arm.
Latrodectus mac. 6x (One dose only): There may be restlessness, depression and pain after the attack is over. There may be still pain in the chest muscles, left shoulder, back and neck. Pain may extend to the abdomen. This remedy is almost specific in curing this dreaded disease. Continue its use after the attack till all the symptoms disappear. Pains radiate from chest to left arm and fingers тАФ numbness.
Lilium tig. (One dose only): Angina pectoris with pain in the right arm. Suffocation, pulsations all over the body.
Magnesium phos. 12x: Use it for nervous, spasmodic palpitation and constrictive pains around the heart. It relieves pains and calms the patient. Give it dry on the tongue and repeat often, every fifteen minutes. Before its use, relief may be obtained by inhaling Aml-ns. Q.
Naja tri.: Heart cases without clear cut symptoms. A dose every half hour – two or three doses will relieve speedily if the remedy is useful. After 3 doses, look for another remedy which is indicated. Special symptoms for the use of this remedy is a feeling of weight on the heart. Angina pains extend to the neck, left shoulder and left arm. Fear and anxiety is present. There may be pain in the forehead and temples.
Pinus lamb. 3x (Four times a day): In heart attacks of old people, where sometimes it becomes almost impossible to select a well indicated remedy. It has a specific action on anginal attack due to coronary trouble from chronic uremic conditions as well as in allergic subjects where it relieves greatly.
Secale cor. (One dose only): Angina pectoris is caused by spasms or contractions of the coronary artery which supplies the heart muscles. This medicine lessens the contractions and softens the attacks.
Spigelia (Four times a day): Pressure, oppression, darting, shooting and stabbing pains in the chest and down the left arm. Breathlessness. It is specially indicated in smokers and drunkards.
Strophanthus Q: Angina due to weakness of the heart. 10 drops, three hourly or earlier if required.
Terminalia arjuna Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Angina pectoris, weakness of the heart with palpitation.
Veratrum alb. (One dose only): Heart cases of tobacco chewers. There is palpitation, anxiety and rapid audible respiration. Pulse is feeble and irregular. There is a feeling of extreme coldness. It presents a picture of collapse with blueness of the face. Cold perspiration on the forehead is a good indication for the use of this remedy.
Viburnum op. Q: Angina with cramps in the heart. 5-10 drops, ┬╜ hourly.
DIET: Special attention should be paid to the diet. Spicy, fried and fatty foods should be avoided. Only vegetarian food should be taken.
NOTE 1: Chest pains can take many forms – a feeling of heaviness, tightness, crushing pain, pressure, fullness, squeezing and burning. The pain may spread from the chest down one or both arms or upto the neck, jaw or shoulders. The signs are different for women who are more likely to feel тАЬvagueтАЭ chest discomfort. The signs may come and go.
NOTE 2:50% of heart attack deaths occur within 2 hours of the first sign.