Homeopathic Remedies for Antidotes
Antidote is an agent that neutralizes a poison or counteracts its effects.
Aceticum acidum (Twice a day): It is antidotal to all aesthetic vapours and poisonous effects of chapped, seasoned and preserved meat. Do not repeat it too often.
Acidum fluor. (Twice a day): Antidote to radiation.
Agaricus mus. (Twice a day): Antidotes effects of the alcohol.
Alumen (Twice a day): Antidotes lead poisoning.
Arsenicum alb. (Twice a day): Antidotes penicillin and carbolic acid.
Carbo veg. (Twice a day): Antidotes fumes of gases.
Chamomilla (Twice a day): Antidotes the bad effects of excessive coffee drinking.
Graphites (One dose daily): Antidotes skin troubles from arsenic poisoning.
Insulinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: Antidote to insulin.
Ipecacuanha (Twice a day): Antidotes the. bad effects of quinine and Opium poisoning.
Ledum pal. (Twice a day): Antidotes the poisons of animals and insects.
Nitricum acidum (Twice a day): Antidotes the effects of antibiotics specially mycins which have caused diarrhoea.
Nux vomica 200 (One dose daily): Antidotes stimulants like wine, whisky, tea and coffee.
Phosphorus, Ammonium carb. (Twice a day): Antidotes effects of chloroform or other aesthetic drugs.
Pulsatilla nig. (Twice a day): It is a better antidote to whisky than even Nux vomica.
Thuja occ. (Twice a day): Antidotes tea and vaccination.
Tuberculinum 200 (One dose only), Sulphur 200 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Antidotes bad effects of hair dyes.