Homeopathic Remedies for Antiseptic
Antiseptic is an agent or substance capable of prevention of infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
Calendula off. Q (Twice a day): It is a great homeopathic antiseptic and is also a remarkable healing agent. Promotes rapid healing of open wounds. Use internally and externally. Lotion for external use is prepared with one part of Calendula Q mixed with six parts of hot water.
Cinnamomum Q (One dose daily): Lotion prepared with 3-4 drops in about 2 litres of hot water is used as an antiseptic agent in the washing of wounds and even cancer parts when the skin is intact. This solution is also used whenever a germicide and disinfectant is needed. It is also used as a vaginal or rectal douche.
Echinacea Q (One dose daily): Old ulcers, irritations from insect bites and poisonous plants. Recurrent boils. Apply locally as a cleaning and antiseptic wash.
Myristica seb. (Twice a day): It has a great antiseptic power for inflammation and suppuration of the covering membranes of the bones, wounds, fistula, abscesses, carbuncles and boils. Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Acts more powerfully than Silicea and Hepar Sulphuris.
Aesculus hip. 3x (One dose only): Long lasting pain in the anus after passing a stool.
Aloe soc. (One dose only): Itching and burning in anus. Patient is always scratching the anus and feels pleasure in boring the finger in the anus. The itching compels him to sodomy and anal intercourse.
Anacardium ori. (One dose only), Antimonium crud. (One dose only), Silicea (One dose only): Constant oozing of moisture from the anus or constant oozing of mucus from it. Hard lumps with watery discharge.
Calcarea fluor., 6x (One dose only): Itching of the anus as if caused by crawling of pin worms. Fissure of anus. A painful crack in the anus.
Calcarea sulph. (One dose only): Painful abscess around the anus and fistula of the anus.
Cinnamomum Q (One dose only): Haemorrhage from bowels specially when the blood has an offensive odour.
Cobaltum (One dose only): Constant dropping of blood from the anus. No blood in stools.
Dolichos (One dose only): Intense itching of anus with constipation and a bloated abdomen.