Homeopathic Remedies for Aphthae
Acidum mur. (One dose only): Foul smell from the mouth with soreness of teeth and gums.
Acidum sulph. (One dose only): Gums bleed easily. Pyorrhea. Tongue swollen. Excessive salivation.
Arsenicum alb. (One dose only): Burning blisters. Sips water frequently.
Borax (One dose only): Painful whitish blisters in the mouth which bleed easily. Fungus-like growths in the mouth.
Hydrastis (One dose only): Aphthae and ulceration of the oral membrane. Tongue is yellowish in color and there is constipation.
Lachesis (One dose only): Severe form of aphthae. Swollen gums with burning. Gums spongy and bleed easily.
Mercurius sol. (One dose only): Painful blisters with a foul smell from the mouth. Saliva increased.
Nitricum acidum (One dose only): Painful blisters with offensive and acrid saliva.
Thuja occ. 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a week: White blisters on the side close to the root of the tongue. Painful and sore. This remedy has a specific antibacterial action and destroys the fungus growths.