Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis – Gout – Joint Pains
Acidum fluor. (One dose only): Corrects the abnormal growth of bones. Absorbs nodes and softens bones. Painful parts are red in color.
Acidum salicylic. (One dose only): Rheumatism of the knee and the elbow joints with great redness and high fever.
Acidum tart. (One dose only): Pain in soles and heels.
Apis mel. (One dose only): Acute arthritis. The affected part is red, shiny and swollen. There is great tenderness to touch; better by applying cold water.
Arbutus andrachne (One dose only): Arthritis with eczema. Skin troubles move to joints causing rheumatic pains.
Aristolochia clem. (One dose only): Pain in the bones of the ball and socket joints.
Benzoicum acidum (One dose only): Pain and swelling in knees. Gout starting in right great toe with urine of offensive odour.
Berberis vulg. 3x (One dose only): Four doses do away the swelling and the pain.
Bryonia alba (One dose only): Joints are swollen, hot and red. Pains are tearing and worse by rubbing, least movement, warmth and in the morning; better by rest.
Calcarea fluor. (One dose only): Defective bony growths. Ulceration of bones and fistula, worse in cold and better in warmth.
Calcarea phos. (One dose only): Arthritis of the neck and shoulders with weakness and softness of bones.
Carboneum sulph. (One dose only): The nape and dorsal spine are stiff and there is a feeling of heavy load between the shoulders. Pains travel from one part to another at regular intervals and are aggravated by every change of weather.
Caulophyllum 3x (One dose only): Cutting pains in joints specially in the finger joints while closing the fist.
Causticum (One dose only): Canine hunger. Acidic eructations after eating. Joints stiff; toes or fingers contracted; pains relieved by warmth of bed.
Chamomilla (One dose only): Arthritis with sensation of pain far more in excess than the actual pain. There is numbness with pain which is worse during the night.
Colchicum autum. 3X (One dose only): Swelling and pain in finger joints and knees. A useful remedy after post-traumatic arthritis of small joints following surgery or fracture. It is useful in recurring attacks.
Elaterium (One dose only): Sharp pains in fingers, thumbs, knees and the hollow of the sole. Pains extend down. Arthritic nodules. Gouty pains in the great toe and hip joints.
Formica rufa 6x (One dose only): Arthritis which is not due to an injury. Start with 3 doses a day and gradually reduce it in comparison with the cure.
Gaultheria oil: In 10-20 drops a dose arrest the pains of arthritis.
Ledum pal. (One dose only): Swelling and stiffness of the joints and in some cases arthritic deposits. It is more indicated in chronic cases specially when coccyx is involved and when the skin is of purple color and pains are aborted by cold applications even ice water.
Natrium phos. (One dose only): Gout of the elbow.
Phaseolus (One dose only): Gout with diabetes.
Picricum acidum (One dose only): Arthritis deformans. Pins and needles sensation in the extremities.
Pulsatilla nig. (One dose only): Gout of the knees. Boring pains in heels towards evening.
Radium brom. (One dose only): Chronic rheumatic arthritis. Severe pain in all the limbs and joints. Knees and ankles are specially affected. Severe pain in shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, toes, calves, etc. Better open air and continuous motion.
Rhamnus cal. (One dose only): A positive remedy for muscular pains and rheumatism, worse in the evening.
Rhus tox. (One dose only): Attacks of gout and rheumatism become worse during winter, rain and dampness. Restlessness, stiffness and tearing pains are worse while at rest. Lumbago. Pains better by motion.
Sanguinaria (One dose only): Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder joints.
Sticta pulm. (One dose only): Rheumatism of the right shoulder blade or joint or wrist or ankles or knee joint.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder and other gouty symptoms accompanied by itching of the skin. Pains are worse at rest or when standing, warmth of the bed and washing. Better in dry and warm weather. Stiffness of knees and ankles.
Symphytum off. 1M (One dose only), Ruta Q (One dose only): Joint pains are due to any injury or fracture – simple or compound.
Thiosinaminum (One dose only): Arthritis of old age and vertigo.
Thuja occ. (One dose only): Arthritis due to gonorrhoea. Cracking in joints.
Thyreoidinum 3x (One dose only): Rheumatoid arthritis.
Trimethylaminum (One dose only): Pain in wrists and ankles with fever.
Tuberculinum 1M (One dose only): Acute inflammatory arthritis of joints worse by motion, standing, dampness, early morning, after sleep. Better open air.
NOTE: Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joint lining and synovial tissue all over the body and osteoarthritis affects the bone tissue of joints because of wear and tear of aging and gradual destruction of irreplaceable cartilage inside the joints. Rheumatic arthritis is chronic inflammatory disease causing morning stiffness, joint pains, nodules and disfigurement.