Homeopathic Remedies for Backward Children – Dwarfishness
Aethusa cyn. (One dose only): Confused children with impaired memory. Dull in studies.
Agaricus mus. (One dose only): Child has a weak memory due to slow development of brain. Late learning to walk and talk.
Baryta carb. (One dose only): Shy children who do not develop properly. Low intelligence due to slow development of brain. Cannot concentrate.
Baryta mur. (One dose only): Patient walks about with mouth open and appears stupid.
Calcarea carb. (One dose only): Child does not grow properly. Has a big head and a big belly. Profuse perspiration on the head, wets the pillow. They are slow to understand and slow in learning to walk. Tendency to obstinacy.
Calcarea phos. (One dose only): Pale, sickly or lean children who do not grow properly. They are late in learning to walk.
Natrium mur. (One dose only): Child is late in learning to talk.
Stramonium (One dose only): Restless and angry children. Always crying. Cat-nap sleep. Easily frightened. Look and behave stupidly.
Syphilinum 1M (One dose only): A dose should be given every month with a gap of 15 days from taking Tuberculinum.
Tuberculinum 1M (One dose only): Retarded development of a child. The treatment should be started with this remedy and it should be repeated each month.