Homeopathic Remedies for Bleeding – Hemorrhage
Aceticum acidum (Four times a day): Bleeding from mucous membranes.
Acidum sulph., Lachesis: Bleeding under the skin.
Calendula off. Q (Four times a day): A very good healing and antiseptic agent. Checks bleeding of wounds and bleeding after tooth extraction. Use externally or internally.
Cinnamomum Q (One dose only): It is a very useful remedy in haemorrhages from the nose, bowels, from lungs, haemorrhage occurring after childbirth, etc. 3-4 drops of the oil of Cinnamomum in about 3 litres of lukewarm water acts as a disinfectant.
Crotalus hor. (One dose only): Haemorrhages of dark red blood that forms no clots. Absorbs retinal, ear, tongue, urine and lung haemorrhages.
Ferrum phos. 6x (Four times a day): Bleeding of bright red coloured blood from any outlet of the body.
Ficus ind. Q (One dose only): It possesses greater anti-haemorrhagic properties than Ficus rel. Blood should be pure red.
Ficus rel. Q (One dose only): Bleeding of any kind. It will arrest haemorrhage from any part of the body.
Hamamelis Q (One dose only): Bleeding from veins. Give internally and apply externally.
Lachesis (One dose only): Bleeding from any part, when the blood is blue, black or dark. If there is continuous bleeding due to a sexually transmitted disease. Bleeding under the skin. Internal haemorrhages.
Mangifera indica Q: A very good general remedy for passive bleeding тАФ uterine, renal, gastric, pulmonary and intestinal.
Millefolium Q, Hamamelis Q, Ficus ind. Q (One dose only): Small wounds bleed profusely and for a long time because the blood does not coagulate easily and early. All the three tinctures can be mixed together in equal parts. 10 drops a dose.
Sanguisuga 6x (One dose only): Bleeding from anywhere, specially from anus when the blood is watery red.
Trillium pend. Q (One dose only): Checks bleeding after tooth extraction and operation (surgical). Use externally and internally.
Note: Q-10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water.