Homeopathic Remedies for Chorea
Irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of the limbs or facial muscles, often accompanied by hypotonis is known as chorea.
Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Twitching, jerking and restlessness in children with a bluish face and fingers.
Asafoetida (Thrice a day): Chorea on account of nervous disorder. Involuntary action of the muscles. Pain and numbness.
Avena sativa Q (Thrice a day) 10-15 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Chorea due to nervous disorders. Strength of the hands is diminished. Give 15 drops, thrice daily in warm water.
Cuprum acet. (Twice a day): Give it in cases which resist treatment.
Ignatia amara (Thrice a day): Chorea of emotional origin or when accompanied by emotional symptoms.
Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Tremor of hands. Excessive perspiration which does not relieve.
Mygale (Thrice a day): Jerking of anus and legs.
Stramonium 200, Opium 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: Chorea due to fear and fright. Give one dose a week.
Zincum phos. (Thrice a day): In worn out and weak patients worse by cold.