Homeopathic Remedies for Conjunctivitis
Apis mel. (Four times a day): Conjunctivitis with pain and burning. Eyelids are red and swollen. Washing the eyes with cold water relieves.
Argentum nit. (Four times a day): Profuse, purulent, white discharge and gluing of the lids which are swollen.
Belladonna (Four times a day): In the beginning of the disease when eyes are red and eyelids are swollen. with watering of eyes.
Euphrasia 6 (Four times a day): Watering of the eyes. Sneezing. Margins of the lids are red and swollen. Discharge is thick and acrid. Use internally 6c and externally as eye drops Euphrasia Q to 50 parts of rose water.
Mercurius cor. (Four times a day): Acrid lachrymation. Severe burning and soreness of eyes. Eyelids get glued together.
Pulsatilla nig. (Four times a day): Symptoms of Belladonna but the discharge is thick and yellow with gluing of the lids.
Rhus tox. (Four times a day): For edematous conjunctivitis with acrid discharge. Worse during rains and winter.
NOTE: Symptoms of conjunctivitis are mostly covered by Pulsatilla nig., Natrium mur., Lycopodium and Lachesis – grade wise importance. The remedies are particularly useful in viral conjunctivitis. Pulsatilla nig. cures about 80% of such cases.