Homeopathic Remedies for Diarrhea
Acidum phos. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea of rachitic and delicate children. Stools white, watery, involuntary and painless. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Flatulence.
Aethusa cyn. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea during dentition. Vomiting may be present.
Aloe soc. (Four times a day): Involuntary stools – maybe solid and without knowledge of the patient. Uncertain whether stool or gas will come. Stools lumpy and watery. Copious flatus. Patient is unable to control and has to run to the lavatory. Diarrhea from beer.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea caused by emaciation. From sudden good or bad news or sorrow or anger. Watery and noisy diarrhea, immediately after eating or drinking.
Arsenicum alb. (Four times a day): Diarrhea with unquenchable thirst. Diarrhea on account of food poisoning involving nausea and vomiting.
Baptisia (Thrice a day): Stools very offensive, thin, dark and bloody. Rumbling in abdomen. Diarrhea during typhoid fever.
Bovista (Thrice a day): Diarrhea before and after menses. Chronic diarrhea of old people. Worse at night and early morning.
Calcarea phos. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea of children during cutting of teeth. Diarrhea from eating juicy fruits. Stools green, slimy, sputtering, fetid and contain undigested food articles.
Calcarea phos. (Thrice a day), Rheum (Thrice a day), Chamomilla (Four times a day): Sour diarrhea during dentition.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Frequent involuntary diarrhea of old people. Continuous oozing of moisture from rectum.
Chamomilla (Thrice a day): Diarrhea during teething period, worse after anger. The child is cross and irritable
Chaparro (Twice a day), Graphites (One dose daily), Thuja occ. (Twice a day), Ricinus com. (Twice a day): Use any of these remedies according to other symptoms for chronic diarrhea.
China off. (Thrice a day): Painless diarrhea. Stools contain undigested food and are frothy and pale. Much flatulence. Worse after meals and in hot weather.
China off. (Thrice a day), Ferrum met. (Thrice a day), Oleander (Thrice a day): Diarrhea with undigested food in stools.
Chininum ars. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea after taking fish and from eating eggs.
Colchicum autum. (Thrice a day): Abdomen seems full of wind and water. Nausea. Vomits on the smell of food. Painful, transparent scanty stools which contain white shreddy particles.
Colocynthis (Thrice a day): Brown watery stools after eating or drinking. Jelly-like stools of musk odor accompanied by severe abdominal cramps.
Croton tig. (Thrice a day): Gurgling in the intestines. Copious, watery stools are shot out forcibly. Constant urging to stool. Worse while drinking or even while eating.
Dulcamara (Thrice a day): Green, watery, slimy, bloody with mucus. Worse in the damp cold weather. Hill diarrhea.
Ferrum phos. (Thrice a day), Kalium phos. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea during eating.
Gelsemium (Thrice a day): Diarrhea due to fright, bad news or emotional excitement.
Graphites (One dose daily): Stools are brown, fluid and are mixed with undigested foods. They have an intolerably fetid smell.
Hyoscyamus nig. (Thrice a day): Painless involuntary stools while urinating.
Jalap a (Thrice a day): Diarrhea with colic. Stools watery and muddy. Gas. Nausea.
Jatropa (Thrice a day): Diarrhea with nausea and vomiting. Stools like rice water forced out. Loud gurgling sound in the abdomen.
Kalium bich. (Thrice a day), Mercurius cor. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea due to ulcerations of the intestines.
Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea on drinking milk. The call of stool comes suddenly and the stool comes at once with noise of gas.
Natrium sulph. (Thrice a day): Stools involuntary while passing wind. Great size of fecal mass. Early morning diarrhea.
Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Diarrhea after use of antibiotics. It is of great value.
Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Diarrhea due to over-eating or dietic errors and indigestible foods. Pain in abdomen before stools. Stools contain undigested articles of food. Diarrhea after debauch.
Phosphorus (Thrice a day): Painless, copious, debilitating diarrhea. Very fetid stools accompanied by flatus. Discharge of blood from rectum during stool. Green mucus or white, hard stools.
Podophyllum (Four times a day): Diarrhea green, watery, fetid, profuse and gushing. Worse during teething and in the morning, while bathing or washing and in hot weather. Camp diarrhea. Diarrhea alternating with constipation. Prolapse of rectum before or with stools.
Pulsatilla nig. 200 (Thrice a day): 2 or 3 normal stools a day. Diarrhea after measles. A remedy of great value in this condition. It cures diarrhea in Opium eaters. Should be repeated after three hours. Three doses a day. Stools contain undigested articles of food. Diarrhea due to food poisoning.
Pyrogenium (Twice a day): Diarrhea horribly offensive – brown-black, painless and involuntary. Stools large or like black balls.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Diarrhea after taking boiled milk.
Septicaeminum (One dose only), Podophyllum (Thrice a day): Very useful in diarrhea of camp life.
Silicea (Thrice a day), Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea on drinking milk.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Morning diarrhea. Patient rushes from bed to the latrine. Painless diarrhea.
Tanacetum vulg. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking. In Arg-n., liquids go right through him and the case is worse after taking sweet dishes or sweet drinks.
Triosteum perf. 6 (Thrice a day): It is a very valuable remedy in diarrhea attended with colicky pains and nausea.
Triosteum perf. (Thrice a day), Rhus tox. (Thrice a day), Arum triph. (Thrice a day), Baptisia (Thrice a day): Use any of these remedies according to symptoms, for diarrhea during typhoid.
Veratrum alb. (Four times a day): Diarrhea very painful, watery, copious and forcibly evacuated followed by great weakness.
Zingiber off. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea after taking melons or polluted water.
NOTE 1: Prolonged diarrhea causes dehydration. To cure and avoid it see “Dehydration”.
NOTE 2: During attack of diarrhea, boiled rice and yogurt are best foods to be taken. If vomiting accompanies purging, drinking a glass of water every half an hour proves useful. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
NOTE 3: After the attack is over, apple, ripe banana and brown rice are easiest foods for digestion.